Someone (see below) gave me some step by step instructions on how to create a file to accomplish this, but it isn't working for me. Can anybody explain how to do this for me? My GECK skill is about negative 4.
Here are the instructions that General Masters graciously provided for me:
1) Set up an .esp file, call it FiendStart or something like that. Save it and close the GECK.
2) Reopen the GECK with the new .esp file set as Active.
3) Click Player on the taskbar, then click Faction. Right-click and select 'new'
4) Scroll down to FiendAnimal Faction and drag it into the Player faction window. Do the same for FiendsFaction NV. Set them to 'Neutral' or better.
5) Save the file and close the GECK.
6) Check the box for the new .esp under Data Files in the start menu.
Edit for potentially useful info:
GECK is installed in steam/steamApps/common/fallout new vegas. Hopefully the right place.
When I get to step 3 above, I notice there is no "Player" on the taskbar. I tried selecting Character and, from the drop down Faction.
Right-clicking New in the available window (Faction: CreatureFaction is the window name) gives me an option to enter a new item, but there is no information to scroll through at all. Just one item in the list: CreatureFaction.