With RobCo Certification, you too can turn a hunk of junk into a brand-new robot assistant with our five-part correspondence course- get RobCo Robot Company certified, today!
RobCo Certified adds a new three-rank perk with the same name. With the perk, if you have a spare Fission Battery and some Robot Spare Parts you'll be given the option to repair any robot you destroy, turning them into who'll follow you anywhere- or you can use your training to at Cerulean Robotics in Vegas. Each rank allows you to repair bigger and better robots to command, as well as to further upgrade the ones you have- improving their firepower, giving them new weapons and abilities (like, or
The mod also adds a chain of Mad Scientist perks, that let you from random wasteland clutter, spare components and leftover body parts- Safebots to carry your junk, Ovenbots to roast your enemies, or Hoverbrains to overwhelm your foes.
It also adds a bunch of tools and items you can use to fix up your bots, or augment their capabilities, helping them lock-on to enemies and suchlike.
- RobCo Certified: Allows you to repair Protectron and Mr Handy robots, and jury-rig Securitrons into operation.
- Pro Certified: Allows you to repair Robobrain and Mr Gutsy robots as well, and fix Securitrons to full Mark I operation.
- Gold Certified: Allows you to repair Sentry Bots and Securitrons as well, and upgrade Securitrons to Mark II.
- Crazed Inventor: Allows you to build some robots from household appliances and/or human brains.
- Mad Scientist: Allows you to build more robots from household appliances and/or even more human brains.
- Robot Wrangler: Increases the number of robots you can command.
- Combat Engineer: Gives you bonus DT when using RobCo tools or clothing.
- RobCo Wrench, Hit bots with these to fix them.
- RobCo Remote: All-rounder. Fire at enemy bots or foes to debuff them, or friendly bots to buff them.
- Absorption Goo Grenade: Splats highly-absorbent goo on enemies, making them take much more damage from energy weapons (like bot lasers and plasma).
- Robot Spare Parts: Used to make Junkbots, fix broken robots, can be used to fix crippled robot limbs, and are needed for some upgrades.
- RobCo Brainsaw: Hit dead humans and dogs with this to harvest their brains. They don't need them.
- A fancy hat that increases your robot cap..
- Beanbot: Fires baseballs.
- Coffeebot: Sprays boiling coffee.
- Fichebot: Fires energy blasts.
- Fires holo-rays.
- Hydrobot: Sprays water.
- Fires flames.
- Projectorbot: Fires lasers.
- Fires energy blasts.
- Jukebot: Speeds player AP regen.
- Safebot: Holds stuff and is dead tough.
- Spawns a fleet of hovering drones.
- Projects a shield.
- Think-Tank: Can repair other robots.
- Disguises your robots.
- Can wield one-handed pistols.
- Can wield one-handed melee weapons.
- Assemblotron: Can wield almost all weapons.
Finished! The changes from Fallout 3 RobCo to the NV version are fairly limited; I've added two new junkbots (Holobot, Hydrobot) and merged the Assemblotron from Mister Smith's Scrapyard into the main mod, and added the ability to build robots from scratch. In addition, robot upgrades are now preserved on death, they're no longer lost, and the RobCo Engineer perk has been added to make combat repair easier and safer. Otherwise, pretty much the same.
I'm hoping to make it dependent on Old World Blues from v2.1 onwards. Currently I'm not entirely sure on how to divvy the OWB content up- currently I'm just thinking of a perk called "Science!", takeable when you get to Big MT that allows RobCo-perked characters to repair Roboscorpions dependent on their perk level, and Mad Science characters to build cyberdogs dependent on their perk level. I'm not entirely sure how to implement Lobotomites, if at all, though.
Questions, comments, suggestions? Post them here.