This game needs to be patched. Not for a couple animation glitches or an NPC repeating their line but for the fact that their are a lot of game breaking bugs that are due to the recent patches and also some old problems. It also should be patched soon.
After removing all patches and playing the game I finally could complete My Kind of Town successfully. After reinstalling the patches I found out that Johnson Nash now could not sell me anything due to him not leaving the casino. Also Ruby Nash freezes my ps3 every time I ask her what she is cooking. I'm holding out hope that we get another patch before Lonesome Road, but it better fix the issues and not just add support for DLC and trophies.
Please give us a time table on when the next patch is coming so I don't burn myself out trying to get through the broken parts. READ MY LIPS OBSIDIAN, I want to give you my money for the 2 DLC's I have yet to buy, but I won't if I can't actually play the full vanilla game without bugs and crashes. Please patch this and tell us about when you will do it soon, this game is awesome when it works but like any game is quite bad when it doesn't.