CAN'T DECIDE! Short Blade or Long Blade?

Post » Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:42 pm

This is like the 10th time I've restarted my game in the past couple of days, just because I'm not satisfied with my stats. Now here's my character build.

Dark Elf
Primary Attributes: Agility, Willpower
Major Skills: Sneak, Marksman, Longblade, Destruction, Restoration
Minor Skills: Mysticism, Security, Athletics, Light Armor, Block
Birth Sign: The Lover

I keep thinking about switching longblade with shortblade. Should I do it? On one hand, it's light, fast, and good for stealth characters, on the other hand, it's extremely weak and there seems to be many better longblades than there are shortblades. But I also have my destruction spells to ward off any enemies that comes close to me, then I suppose I can finish them off with my shortblade.
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RUby DIaz
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:29 am

Well, for one thing, shortblade is stealth specialty so it will increase faster plus a Dark Elf gets a 10pt bonus so you'll start strong and get to high levels quicker. It's true that longblades are more powerful but at high skill levels a good shortblade will keep your enemies staggered so they can't attack back.
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Post » Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:08 pm

The other thing you might consider is switching out security for alteration. Not a huge deal but for myself, I wouldn't like having just one skill based on intelligence as then it seems a waste to spend time raising it. Alteration is more versitile and easier to raise than security, and will help a lot in your travels with water breathing, water walking and levitate as well as the ability to open locks. Plus it's based on willpower like your other three magic selections. And you've already got mysticism anyway for telekineses on traps.
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Charles Weber
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Post » Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:51 pm

Thanks! I didn't know why I didn't think of that before. I'll switch security with alteration. The funny thing is, I usually do include alteration in my minor or primary skills, I just decided now to switch it with block or athletics.

And I'm starting to lean towards shortsword now.
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Post » Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:08 pm

And I'm starting to lean towards shortsword now.

Another thing in favor of short blades is their low weight. More space for loot!
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leigh stewart
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:11 am

long blades and short blades are both really common. either would do fine but with dunmer+stealth spec would give you a really good starting skill. Throwing in conjuration and you start off with bound dagger, so you'll murder most starter monsters.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:56 am

Okay, I've chosen shortswords, and ugh,now I can't decide which birthsign I wanna choose. Should I choose the Lover, the Mage, or the Apprentice. I do plan on using magick, but I also plan on not relying on it. With The Mage, I receive 60 points, with the Apprentice, I receive 100 points, and without none, I start out with 40 points.
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Post » Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:42 pm

Okay, I've chosen shortswords, and ugh,now I can't decide which birthsign I wanna choose. Should I choose the Lover, the Mage, or the Apprentice. I do plan on using magick, but I also plan on not relying on it. With The Mage, I receive 60 points, with the Apprentice, I receive 100 points, and without none, I start out with 40 points.

Destruction is the problem; it takes a decent amount of magicka. Utility magic in Alteration and Mysticism can be used without a magic boosting sign but for offensive spells you'll need something extra. Apprentice is great for a Breton but for other races, you'll end up with a 50% weakness to magicka which is a pain although not fatal by any means. Why not Atronach? 120 starting magicka and 50% spell absorption. Take Alchemy as a major and after a few levels you can make all the restore potions you need.
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Sabrina garzotto
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Post » Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:58 pm

Destruction is the problem; it takes a decent amount of magicka. Utility magic in Alteration and Mysticism can be used without a magic boosting sign but for offensive spells you'll need something extra. Apprentice is great for a Breton but for other races, you'll end up with a 50% weakness to magicka which is a pain although not fatal by any means. Why not Atronach? 120 starting magicka and 50% spell absorption. Take Alchemy as a major and after a few levels you can make all the restore potions you need.

I've never had too much trouble using destruction with the amount of magicka I've had, it was actually alteration that I've had trouble with. I never have enough magicka to use levitate.

And I didn't wanna use Atronach because I don't like the idea of your magicka not recharging via rest.
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Post » Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:51 pm

I've never had too much trouble using destruction with the amount of magicka I've had, it was actually alteration that I've had trouble with. I never have enough magicka to use levitate.

And I didn't wanna use Atronach because I don't like the idea of your magicka not recharging via rest.

Levitate should be used as a custom spell like 1pt on self for 38 sec. Should be under 10 magicka. The starting Destruction spells are very efficient but in my experience, good spells start at 25 magicka and go way up from there. I guess it's a matter of how much you depend on magic for fighting.
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:30 pm

Okay, I've chosen shortswords, and ugh,now I can't decide which birthsign I wanna choose. Should I choose the Lover, the Mage, or the Apprentice. I do plan on using magick, but I also plan on not relying on it. With The Mage, I receive 60 points, with the Apprentice, I receive 100 points, and without none, I start out with 40 points.

Id say lover, it increases your agility to almost 100 if you also have that as a main attribute.

And believe me, for a light armor best character it is CRITICAL that you are hitting very often.
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