The first thing I did was install this small but effective mod:
Stop Insulting Me Outcasts
Now for my questions:
1. When in Atom's name is Casdin going to give me the key to Fort Independence? I've already brought him three times as much tech as I did as before to gain his initial trust. I also kissed his feet, anointed his feet with my tears, dried them with my hair, and anointed his head with a whole jar of oil that cost 300 caps. I would like to see the inside of Fort Independence, please. I don't put points into Lockpick for this particular game.
2. What can I do about Defender Anne Marie Morgan? As I said, she goes AWOL for days or weeks at a time, and I would think Rocksalt has trouble firing down from his bridge. He's probably too busy getting intimate with his gatling.