Xbox freeze during loading screen

Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:36 pm

Alright, I just finished letting John baptist x out that red haired, Quaker drinking, foul mouthed girl. I speak to his sister to do next quest( gun shipment overseeing) and it goes to load, since you fast travel to the disclosed location of the arrangement... And it freezes everytime.

Ive decided to not finish the questline, which is crap... Just for fun but still...

I only have DM DLC, and have finished it. Is there anyone else who has ebcountered this?

This game is long over-due for a patch to fix the freezing. Quite possibly the only game that I've ever had this many freezes, and I feel almost as if a wSte of money, nothing will be done...
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Michelle Smith
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