Hey guys, Trudy and Sunny got killed by Joe Cobb because I wasn't paying attention during Ghost town gunfight. Is this going to get me into trouble in the future, or are they of no use anymore?
Let Joe Cobb's crew kill everyone except Ringo if possible. You can loot all the bodies and sell their stuff to Chet and still be loved by goodsprings....Even though there are few survivors now.
If they were important for the future you'd be seeing Quest Failed: [Not a real quest] I Killed Your Mother. Or Quest Failed: [Not real quest] Not So Sunny or Smiley. Point is: You'd be getting quest failed at least once if they were important for the future.
I say good job! I kill Sunny anyway, EVERY time. For the sole reason of having the absolute worst voice acting in the entire FO series. I feel like I'm a toddler and my 7 yr old sister is reading me a bedtime story.