An NCR armory?

Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:39 am

I would totally dig it if there was a merchant who ran an NCR armory. However, this type of merchant should be in the market for mass accumulation of goods, and requires a barter of 80 to prove that you aren'y small time. This merchant could have 25,000 caps for dealing each cycle. I am sick of dealing with 8000 cap merchants who can't handle my 100 Barter! I sell all of one gun, and I can deal another 425 caps and that's it! Yes, I do barter for other items. I take all the stims and ammo I can possibly take. But what is the point of selling of 2 weapons when I get a Minigun back? The whole point of selling is to get it off my hands! For example, a Brush gun is 4900 caps. 2 of these is more than enough to take all the cash the Gun Runners! After 2 guns, I have to barter equipment! What is the point of this? I then HAVE TO GO TO ANOTHER MERCHANT TO SELL MY BARTERED EQUIPMENT, WHICH MEANS I CANT SELL ANY MORE GUNS!!!!

I have to go around 15 merchants just to sell! By the time I unload all the merchants on their current cycle, I now have a crap load of items from bartering because they can't handle the caps. I go exploring again, and get buried in more brush guns and miniguns!

When can this madness end???? Mr house has MILLIONS of caps, why can't he let me get at some of that/???? As it is, merchants CANNOT handle High Barter!

I can give you ALL the supplies you need to take down the Legion, Mr. Oliver! Just let me sell you my excellent condition wares! With all your brush guns, miniguns, power armor, super sledges, thermic lances and AMRs I sell you, YOU CAN WIN!!!!

With me at your side, even though I am an Envoy of Vegas, you can do this the following all day!

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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:57 pm

I'd prefer it if the Legion had their own dedicated weapons merchant like the NCR has Quartermasters.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:22 am

I'd prefer it if the Legion had their own dedicated weapons merchant like the NCR has Quartermasters.

Agree'd. I like your idea Oreo, but NCR got much, much more content than Legion.

But yeah, the amount of caps the Gun Runners carry is kind of lame.
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Killah Bee
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:50 am

Okay, I admit it, NCR has a lot going for them, but I was just trying to think realistically. A Legion supplier would be nice!

Maybe Decanus Severus could have an extended armory at some point? OR a new merchant?

Barter is one of my favorite skills, especially at low levels, but it's troublesome at high levels. My filing cabinet in which I keep every item is several thousand pounds of items I will NEVER be able to sell.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:18 am

I mean, the Legion must have some sort of means of production, they are able to uniformly equip so many men, a dedicated Legion quartermaster would be able to support that.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:45 pm

I want a neutral merchant that lives in a extra super duper extra extra super mega super fortified bunker that has 35000 caps each stock.
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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:21 am

I can do without it, the only thing I ever buy is ammo. I scavenge the rest
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:05 am

A new merchant is needed, I agree. It's nice the gun runner doesn't have loyalty issues but, 8k caps is weak for anyone who has a nice cap pocket. I only have DM dlc ATM and plan on getting the rest ASAP. But the idea needs to be considered by devs.

On a side note, is it worth leveling barter up to 100? Mines at 60 ATM at lvl 31. The great khan armorer is amaizng for ammo and selling high cap items, you just have to do what the OP is stating: selling goods for goods not caps.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:02 pm

I thought Alexander at the 188 as the Gun Runner armorer was good enough. Plus the woman up top who sells the NCR guns and ammo, she's pretty much an armorer too.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:38 pm

Exactly, they are all very good, the 188 post is great and great khan and the gun runners by Vegas. I think what the OP really wants is to sell more that 8k worth of caps to 1 vendor. His problem with selling 2 trail guns and that being over 8k is a pain. You then sell 1, to a vendor and then, 1, to the other. Just trying to make it easier I assume.
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:37 am

Exactly, they are all very good, the 188 post is great and great khan and the gun runners by Vegas. I think what the OP really wants is to sell more that 8k worth of caps to 1 vendor. His problem with selling 2 trail guns and that being over 8k is a pain. You then sell 1, to a vendor and then, 1, to the other. Just trying to make it easier I assume.

That makes sense. I bankrupted the Sink after my first trip outside and back. A couple brush guns shishkabobs and Saturnite Fists will do that. 14k gone like that. Now I have a trunk full of sellable items that I have to wait to unload.
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steve brewin
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:51 pm

The inflation in this game is so horrible I've stopped buying my weapons a long time ago. If I want a gun, I go find one.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:19 am

Clearly, they put just a little bit of thought into the economy of New Vegas.

The amount of merchandise and caps I've shifted would be enough to equip and maybe fund a small country. It would be nice to see more merchants with more caps, I like amassing my wealth and my armory. I got to the point where I actually began collecting weapons. I had guns that I used, and guns that just decorated my house. I had guns with mods and without mods. I didn't know what else to do with the 200,000 caps I had.
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:13 am

What I usually do to stock up on ammo is make trips to gun runners and quartermaster barden at hoover dam. Wait a few days, and then go back to them (rinse and repeat) until I have a ton of every ammo type I want and won't need to return for a long time.

Btw, you can still buy ammo and stuff from Quartermaster Bardon at Hoover Dam even if you are enemies with the NCR.......just put on an NCR Engineer jumpsuit or any NCR faction attire for that matter.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:04 am

I can't wait till I have that many caps from scavenging the mojave. Only problem is, my game freezes too often to find enjoyment on my xbox lately.

If and when I get the OWB and mt. Zion 1, I hope to move my house from novac to a better place.
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sam smith
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:42 am

I can't wait till I have that many caps from scavenging the mojave. Only problem is, my game freezes too often to find enjoyment on my xbox lately.

If and when I get the OWB and mt. Zion 1, I hope to move my house from novac to a better place.

Best way to make easy money. Play Dead Money (although I hate the dlc), just grab all the gold bars in the safe and get the weapon repair kit schematic in the police station near the cells on top of filing cabinets.

Use the gold to sell for lots of caps (exchange for ammo types you don't use and then sell them to other merchants) since no merchant carries 10k on them and that's how much a gold bar is worth.

Pick up any expensive weapon you come across and use endless supply of weapon repair kits from dead money to repair them to pristine condition.

You should be filthy [censored] rich if you do all this.
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Tamara Primo
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:18 am

Best way to make easy money. Play Dead Money (although I hate the dlc), just grab all the gold bars in the safe and get the weapon repair kit schematic in the police station near the cells on top of filing cabinets.

Use the gold to sell for lots of caps (exchange for ammo types you don't use and then sell them to other merchants) since no merchant carries 10k on them and that's how much a gold bar is worth.

Pick up any expensive weapon you come across and use endless supply of weapon repair kits from dead money to repair them to pristine condition.

You should be filthy [censored] rich if you do all this.

2mill in caps so far from the dead money repair kits and several million in weapons <33333-11000 40mm grenades 46k25mm 6k 25mmhe -like 50k 12.7mm ammo -200k 5mm ammo like 7k 45 70 ammo 12k 308k-and a crap ton of every other type.every type of modded weapon and ones without -enough ordinance to equip a medium sized mercenary 2k he missiles
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:42 am

Obsidian is afraid of armorys!
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FO 3 to NV
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