» Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:56 am
Personally i think that explosives are always mandatory since they are the easiest way to deal with cazadores( it's true that you can criple their wings and then they are easily avoided, but they are always in goups of at least 4-5 and sometimes even 10-15 and also why pick them off one by one if you can just kill them all with a missile or a few 25mm grenades) and then it depends on your build up.
Personally i like Unarmed for interiors and close quarters( because unarmed weapons are better than Melee ) and i like Guns for exteriors and long range combat ( because Guns are better than Energy Weapons: the laser pistol is weaker than a 9mm pistol, the plasma pistol is worse than the 10mm pistol(because of the rate of fire and AP cost) the gauss rifle is buged so is worse than the AMR and the gatling laser, unless you load it up with MC ammo is worse than the minigun, the only Energy Weapons that are better than Guns are the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle wich is, for a shotgun and close quarters, where acuracy doesn't matter much, better than any Guns shotgun, the q-35 wich is better than a Cowboy repeater, and tesla Canon, unless you have the cowboy perk, wich is better than the Brush Gun and the Plasma Caster, if you have Raul as a companion or a lot of weapon repair kits.
I'm not saying that the other energy weapons are bad, i'm saying that their Guns counterpart are better