He isn't exactly smart now is he

Personally your strength is fine, maybe make it 6 to carry 10 extra pounds of weight. Perception is fine, probally least used, so that could be 3 or 4, mainly to see on the compass which is much funner to not use. I guess you were going fo hitpoints with endurance being 8, that's fine though. Charisma would probally be better at 3 if you want it low, your companions might do something stupid otherwise, actually it probally doesn't even matter, if you don't use speech might as well keep it 1. You should raise your intelligence, you get more skills points per level 6 or 7 is pretty good. Combat doesn't usually call for great speed and there are decent perks to raise action point regen rate. So maybe have agility lower. Then luck is basically just for criticals unless you want to clean out casinos
S - 6
P - 4
E - 8
C - 3
I - 5
A - 7
L - 7
That's what I would have done with what you want. Unless you want something specific. And since your charisma is 1 and you have good natured, doesn't work out really well. But I see what you intended to do with it raise your Charisma status with it, and have minimal combat skills decreased. Skilled is fine.