Not hardcoe enough for OWB :*(

Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:39 pm

Overall the DLC seems to favor energy weapons a bit but not entirely.

I went in with the holorifle and a lot of empty MFC's ...kind of a weight cheat on my part playing hardcoe/very hard. In that situation turning your MFC ammo to maxed MFC is your friend. I say that because your weapon will pack a bit more punch.

Running low on MFC? Then convert other energy ammo to MFC then to Max MFC. Energy ammo is everywhere. Its on/in robot enemies...its on the y-harness enemies and if you breath for Dala...well she will compensate you as well.

If you are more a gun slinger its a little different. They give you the K9000 and its ammo is around on enemies and at the store. You also have to be willing to go to the ammo bench and do your hand loading. In the sink the vender sells you a sort of all purpose kit for doing that. The only thing it doesn't give you is casings.

If you have casings you are golden. Even if the sink runs out of the ammo kit just pick up ANY ammo and break it down and use it on the casing you have for your weapon. If you run out of ammo for that weapon you might have to find a weapon more popularly used by the lobotomites.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:11 pm

I went in on hardcoe - Normal mode, at level 25, after HH and before DM. I came out at level 30. I was worried about ammo getting low, so I just focused on the main quest, about half way through, and went back to finish the Sink quests. The Lobs and Nighters were respawning every 24 hrs. I went in with 220 lbs of ...

1st Rec Ber
Auth Glasses
JG's Armor
Desert Combat Armor
DC Helm

A light shinning the Darkness
Silenced 45 AP
45 SMG
Big Boomer
Silenced Sniper Rifle

308 - 300 rds + 75 rds of AP and 75 rds of HP
45 - 600 rds + 50 rds of AP and 50 rds of HP
5.6 - 300 rds + 75 rds of AP and 75 rds of HP
12 ga - 200 rds

I broke down everything I could, and used the reloading bench a lot. If i had a few jars of rifle powder, I'd have been set for the whole thing. I took the Robo perk, the first time I leveled in the DLC. That proved to be a very powerful, and almost gamebreaking, tool. I had saved all my Stealthy Boys. I had 5 and found 8 in the DLC. The SE Taranchula was a welcomed find. I could just sneak, in close quarters and shut them down. Pull out the Stealth Boy, and run through a whole herd of them. Once they were shut down, I could go through and take them out with the SE Tran, in 1 - 3 hits. ( 75% of the time, it would give the XP's for killing them. After you shut them down... Don't know what played into it there. )

I used less than 20 Stems and fell in battle once. That was due to being stupid on my part and getting pinned into a corner by 6 Nighters. Being very very slow and sneaky, using the pipes to travel from an elevated position and taking out targets at max range ( that's screen-loading range and not VATS ). The Ratslayer would take out a Nighter with a headshot, using HP's and Lob's fell with any ammo. ( provided it was a crit + sneak crit + headshot ) Being so far out, I could pick off one and wait for the others to settle down, to select another target. With a lot of patients and a very slow moving strategy. I got through, with a 1 shot - 1 kill playstlye.

That's why I love the Sniper. If you shoot out of VATS, it places the skill in the hands of the player. If you don't get the sneak crit head shot, it means the diff in 1 shot or 10 shots. If I didn't make the shot, they would either frenzy or come after me. That's where Big Boomer and the 45's came in. It was very hard to resist the temptation to keep fireing with the Sniper Rifle. But in the latter stages of the DLC, it proved to be a welcomed small bounty of ammo. It forces you play the part of this character, as I think it was ment to be played. I loved it.

BTW, the frag mines are great traps, for your select Sniper rests. I kept 3 - 4 set, at the bottom of all my fav perches, at all times. They saved my ass more than once. Mainly when I got spotted going to a perch and they made chase. It was like a doorbell on the backdoor. I had 8 elevated locations that I used to move across the map.

Great DLC.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:35 am

Explosives, nuff really, Explosive build-characters,melee, and EW characters will love this fact..from the look of things, Explosive seems to beat most of these DLC's in a landslide..weird :/
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:29 pm

Why would Old World Blues be easy for explosives characters in hardcoe mode? I didn't find much in the way of explosives beyond a few grenades and missiles.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:08 pm

Why would Old World Blues be easy for explosives characters in hardcoe mode? I didn't find much in the way of explosives beyond a few grenades and missiles.

when you waltz in with just pure explosives, stimpacks, and maybe 2 Doctors backs, with teh Heavyweight, Pack Rat perk, and every explosive buff perk in-game, your basically walking around shredding the entire area :/

a 40mm grenade weighs .25 pounds with the Pack Rat perk, and with the Heavyweight perk, Mercy weighs 7.5 pounds. My character has up to the 290 pound limit throughout OWB. Mercy does well over the 200 mark in damage for ONE grenade. However, with mines, frag grenades, and dynamite, I was still able to hold up to 100 pounds of 40mm grenades, while keeping weight space for exploring. I also held the Fatman and just 5 mini nukes about me ;/ pretty much the Mercy, and dynamite proved to be pretty much badass against them and the Robo-scorpions (though I might add its wise you aim for the ones that are just pincer, not the laser-types..Mercy has a tendency to chew her own allies apart.)
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:56 am

when you waltz in with just pure explosives, stimpacks, and maybe 2 Doctors backs, with teh Heavyweight, Pack Rat perk, and every explosive buff perk in-game, your basically walking around shredding the entire area :/

a 40mm grenade weighs .25 pounds with the Pack Rat perk, and with the Heavyweight perk, Mercy weighs 7.5 pounds. My character has up to the 290 pound limit throughout OWB. Mercy does well over the 200 mark in damage for ONE grenade. However, with mines, frag grenades, and dynamite, I was still able to hold up to 100 pounds of 40mm grenades, while keeping weight space for exploring. I also held the Fatman and just 5 mini nukes about me ;/ pretty much the Mercy, and dynamite proved to be pretty much badass against them and the Robo-scorpions (though I might add its wise you aim for the ones that are just pincer, not the laser-types..Mercy has a tendency to chew her own allies apart.)

You can also carry in a ton of ammo of any other type and immediately dump it in the sink. I think the problem people have is that they start the DLC without knowing they will need all that ammo. If you were playing an explosives heavy character and didn't walk in packed to the gills with grenades and missiles it could be pretty hard.
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:26 am

You can also carry in a ton of ammo of any other type and immediately dump it in the sink. I think the problem people have is that they start the DLC without knowing they will need all that ammo. If you were playing an explosives heavy character and didn't walk in packed to the gills with grenades and missiles it could be pretty hard.

it would be indeed, though that is a bit of a challenge I'm willing to accept :hubbahubba:
p.s. Firebomb seems to be a weird explosive, as it sometimes has a glitch that sends enemies high up in the air, killing them instantly when they land back down..good for individual enemies. In fact, if you really wanted to, you could use the grenades for packed areas, or for the Robo-scorpions. Another way to use things more effectively is using the dynamite upon the lobotomites, since their 147 damage (only when you got all the Explosive perks, and not the Cowboy perk.) seems to turn lobotomites into swish cheese after 3 throws. Or a classic, use the Grenade Machinegun on the Lobotomites, since their ammo is .175 with the Pack Rat perk, making it 8 grenades before its 1 pound. my Grenade machinegun does 106 damage per hit as well. This is without the use of Psycho and Slasher, meaning that this weapon alone can kill most of the enemies in OWB, except for the tenacious Robo-scorpions, which you can save Mercy for later use...or Annabelle..or a well placed Bottlecap Mine..or a nuke.

edit:why do people think the Minigun or Avenger is hard to maintain? with the Rat Pack Perk and whatnot, I can store hundreds if not up to thousands of 5mm ammo, and with the surplus ammo doing -10DT, Lobotomites, Nightstalkers, Security Dogs, and some of the robots just dont stand a chance :/ saving the Armor Piercing rounds for the machinery (fact: with the Pack Rat perk, 5mm ammo is .0085, so 1000 5mm bullets only equal to 8.5 pounds. Not much since I can kill 3 Lobotomites with one clip of the Avenger and still ahve some leftovers.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:35 am

I had the same problem and luckily discovered that as far as robo scorpions are concerned getting good and close with a ballistic fist worked wonders, I beat up 8 one after another. With that I could save ammo for the lobotomites then use their hunting revolvers.
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