Logains Loophole

Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:36 pm

im disappointed in this trait bc i like what it was trying to do but to me seems like it failed at it. I know theres quite a few posts about it but i wanted to just get this off my chest. First i appreciate what the devs were trying to do for us by adding a challenge to the game, but i feel the lvl was to high. Now i know why they set it to 30 bc they didnt want u to miss out on any perks since they have lvl 20+ req. my problem is the one area i want as a challenge is the combat, and by lvl 30 in vanilla b4 the dlcs we were pretty much godlike.

what i would have like to see done was capn the lvl off at lvl 20, we woulda had to forfeit the perks above lvl 20 and if mobs base lvl was 20+ they keep it there. i think with lvl 20, we would have the right amount of perks and points to be good but not too "godlike or demigod" like.
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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:58 pm

Yeah I gotta agree on this, they screwed up with Logan's loophole. Should give you the option to end at 20 or 30 with no benefits....I mean the whole purpose of that is to limit yourself to roleplay and then they add a semi God-like ability to it.

I guess the best people that want to limit themselves can do, is avoid drugs all together and take it at level 30 with a lower intelligence. Also it's kind of pointless to have an intelligence over 5 since you pretty much max out every skill by 50. Only reason I have intelligence of 5 is for pack rat perk...I can't live without that perk, otherwise my intelligence would be 1.......
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:36 am

bogans boophole
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:59 am

bogans boophole

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Arrogant SId
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:23 pm

I guess I just don't understand the problem, if you want to be chalenged in combat, don't wear armor and only use the weakest weapons and don't mod them, only use bullets that do the least damage and only carry 15 bullets at a time, don't get any implants, etc... problem solved. Least as far as I can tell. Sorry if I sound condesending, wasn't trying to.

To me, challenging yourself means just that. If you don't want to make yourself god/near-god like, choose five perks that you will never use, don't raise your INT above 5, or 1, if you can bear not to have Pack Rat, heck, chalenge yourself and don't take Pack Rat.

If you truly want to chalenge yourself, it isn't difficult, and you don't need the developers to give you limitations to do it.

I guess I really don't/can't understand why it's so difficult... For that I apologise...
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:11 am

So those of us who want to have a challenge shouldn't be allowed to decide our own role? We have to gimp ourselves and get perks outside of out prospected role in order to actually have a challenging game?
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Christine Pane
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:42 pm

don't raise your INT above 5, or 1, if you can bear not to have Pack Rat, heck, chalenge yourself and don't take Pack Rat.

Dude, my characters are based on pack rat perk. I carry a ton of small stuff....mainly because I survive off the land and never ever use stimpacks and I love to collect recipes.

I've played without pack rat perk. It ruins the fun of the game for me. I seriously can't play without that perk. If there were no intelligence required for that perk I would never ever raise my intelligence more than 1, because I don't need to max out every single skill...and I don't care if my speeches reveal me as an idiot. I want the challenge.

You say it's more of a challenge without pack rat....well I would say it's less of a challenge for someone to live solely on stimpacks intstead of living off the land. And I like to operate in the field for a long time, so I don't want to have to go back to base a million times cause 3/4 of my ingredients weight 1 pound.

only use bullets that do the least damage and only carry 15 bullets at a time

LOL, ok I'll start shooting Hollow Point bullets at Giant Radscorpions...lol WTF. ...15 bullets? Dude, that's not a challenge. That's just not being combat effective.

I get what your saying about using weaker weapons. The Tomahawk happens to be my favorite melee weapon. But at the same time I'm not gonna toss This Machine into Lake Mead...
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:19 am

I guess I just don't understand the problem, if you want to be chalenged in combat, don't wear armor and only use the weakest weapons and don't mod them, only use bullets that do the least damage and only carry 15 bullets at a time, don't get any implants, etc... problem solved. Least as far as I can tell. Sorry if I sound condesending, wasn't trying to.

To me, challenging yourself means just that. If you don't want to make yourself god/near-god like, choose five perks that you will never use, don't raise your INT above 5, or 1, if you can bear not to have Pack Rat, heck, chalenge yourself and don't take Pack Rat.

If you truly want to chalenge yourself, it isn't difficult, and you don't need the developers to give you limitations to do it.

I guess I really don't/can't understand why it's so difficult... For that I apologise...

ok, so i get what ur saying ur saying if i want a challenge to not play the game the ways its intended or the way i want to. to gimp myself.....ok. well tell me how restricting the lvl to 20 wont make it more challenging and at the same time play the way it supposed to? not to flame, i get what ur saying but i was wondering if by setting max lvl at 20 with logains loophole, hence restricting amount of perks/points on top of some enemys base lvl are set above lvl 20 not make it more challenging and fun at same time?
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James Rhead
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:52 am

Want the game to be more "challenging" well its not that hard to do in the G.E.C.K...
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:45 am

Want the game to be more "challenging" well its not that hard to do in the G.E.C.K...

I'm talking on behalf of people who are on console. I just run the appropriate mods to make my game harder. People who are console, enjoy their game primarely through roleplaying. Instead of modding and roleplaying, all they got is roleplaying. And hardcoe roleplaying ain't really hardcoe roleplaying if you max out every skill and got a gazillion perks. They want to specialize their character to get more of a challenge from no modding.
The vanilla game is quite easy.
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:56 pm

Yeah, the trait was solely placed into the game for the masochist (and vocal) types out there. Capping the level at 20, removal of the addition immunity, and have all enemies scaled to 45+ right from the start at level 1 (even the CL/NCR hit teams) would've made them allot happier.....and quieter.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:35 am

Yeah, the trait was solely placed into the game for the masochist (and vocal) types out there. Capping the level at 20, removal of the addition immunity, and have all enemies scaled to 45+ right from the start at level 1 (even the CL/NCR hit teams) would've made them allot happier.....and quieter.

I'd prefer it if enemies were their proper levels.
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darnell waddington
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:12 am

Yeah, the trait was solely placed into the game for the masochist (and vocal) types out there. Capping the level at 20, removal of the addition immunity, and have all enemies scaled to 45+ right from the start at level 1 (even the CL/NCR hit teams) would've made them allot happier.....and quieter.

Here's a wild idea for you, if you don't like it, then just don't take it and pretend it doesn't even exist.

And do we really need three topics about the same thing on the first page people?
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