» Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:41 am
There's been several threads run through with this idea, I believe in one from a ways back, it was confirmed that there'd be no re-release of preorder DLC.
As to pricing, well Dragon Age 2 has item sets for each character class for 200 pts. each, or like 500 or so if you buy the combine package of all three. This seemed a fair enough price, since not only were the weapons able to level up and allow you to dominate the game, but they gave three sets of armor for each class in the purchase. So, for all that, 200 pts. seems reasonable. If we were to price the sale of a package of all four preorder DLC's, a price of 200 pts. would be my maximum price for items I'd only end up using a couple of in a standard playthrough, or mostly ignore, or stop using after 5 levels of development.