KaeruGreen Gaming - Lets play Oblivion videos - Viewers choi

Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:34 pm

I am going to start doing a Let's Play Oblivion series of videos that can be seen here: http://www.twitch.tv/kaerugreen

I am first starting a poll for people to choose what they would want to see me start up and play. I will then try to play this character to the best of his abilities and stick to what that character would most likely do or not do (ie: Thief stealing, mage not using lockpicks, warrior not casting). I really want these videos to have a lot of direction from the viewers and I wanted to do this poll thread to see what kind of results I would get. I will let this run for about a week and then start up the new character on monday (Aug. 15th 2011). During the live stream I will try to ask the viewers for a little direction on what they currently want to see (Dungeon crawl, join a guild, talk to the locals, etc) and let them make key decisions on certain quests (Let a man live or kill him). There is a lot of quests and such where there can be multiple outcomes and it would be nice to lean towards what the viewers want to see.

There is a max of 20 options in the poll so I had to leave one out of the classes. I picked healer, but will play one if I get a billion people asking for that. I am not running any mods or any downloadable content. I just have the platinum edition of the game. Over the course of the week I may do a couple more test videos. My previous one was accidentally deleted but can be seen here: http://www.twitch.tv/kaerugreen/b/292182159

If this starts to get good results before monday I may throw another poll up for more specific stuff like no fast travel, or what guilds/quests should be done or skipped. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you guys want to watch.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:09 am

I've watched a LOT of Oblivion Let's Plays these past several months. I viewed almost the whole of your linked session this afternoon. I liked it. You described things very well. I particularly enjoyed watching you work the Persuasion mini-game. Most Let's Players, at least those I watch with any regularity, tend to either ignore it or aren't very good at it. Not that there's anything wrong with being bad at it. It's just nice to see it handled well for a change. Video and audio quality are good. Yes, there is some lag/stutter. It's mostly non-objectionable. I wonder if it contributed to the trouble you had during your first attempt at assisting the farmer brothers?

I did note vote in the poll. Your choice of race, class. and birth-sign are not that critical to me. What I'll be interested in is how you role-play whomever you end up with.

My big turn-off in Let's Plays are those that treat their avatar and the game-world in a cavalier fashion. You give no hint of following that path. Thanks!

My favorite Oblivion Let's plays thus far are those by:

http://www.youtube.com/user/veriax#p/c/EE87B4A5E81D25D5/0/zpwjnOl7hBY (a highly modded Let's Play)
http://www.youtube.com/user/Nagidal146#p/c/BD1561D9CE2F8825/0/rFpQCHNDutg (has separate Oblivion and Shivering Isles Let's Plays)
http://www.youtube.com/user/GameplayJenny#p/c/2377C18AB8466E27/0/hvlLl4Puin8 (who occasionally contributes here)

Veriax is my favorite. The other two have interesting takes on game-play. All give their avatars "character". There are other Let's Plays I enjoy, but these three I like well enough to follow daily.

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