Bloodmoon/Auroura/Werewolf hint?

Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:26 pm

However, the color can always change a little. It just depends on what pallet Beth decides to use.
While I personally do not think it's the Bloodmoon (though my previous excitement shows otherwise), I think Beth did put the moon in intentionally. The purpose either just showing off the moon/aurora or making us speculate with a possibility of a Bloodmoon.

Doubt they would change Masser's color to blue...Secunda, if memory serves me, is smaller than Masser...and this moon doesn't seem to be very large (though we have little to compare it to in terms of other celestial objects)...this moon screams "Secunda" to me..I would imagine Masser be noticably large in the sky and ore noticably red...instead of a blueish moon with red aura. It's gotta be Secunda, Bloodmoon phase. Besides, Skyrim is notorious for having the largest and most dangerous werewolf population. Hircine would want nothing more than to hold the Great Hunt in Skyrim.
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