Bored of Guns..

Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:52 pm

I'm bored of playing the same old guns playthrough and I want something new. I want to run a high endurance/strength build since I usually go super stealth sniper, and I've done explosives so I don't want that either. The final question is, EW or Melee/Unarmed? Depending on what you say, give me some tips and stuff, useful perks, and if it doesn't fit a high end/str build then lemme know what kind of SPECIAL I should have.

Thanks everyone, I hope this to be my final playthrough in the game so I can complete every location/weapon/etc but I dont want it to be a boring old Guns char.
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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:28 pm

I did my second character as melee/unarmed.
I started with Chance's Knife directly after leaving Doc Mitchell's place and buying a shovel.
I did Sunny Smiles gun tutorial 'cause I figured shooting bottles didn't really count as using guns.
After that it was unarmed except for the knife.
Best weapons were Chance's Knife, Pushy, Cram Opener and Paladin Toaster.

I found that I really wanted ranged weapons so I allowed throwing knives and spears. Hatchets would have been OK, I just never used them.

I also used explosives but I think that was just due to lack of experience. For example, I used them in Dead Wind Cavern but I think I could now do it without blowing anything up.

I've now stopped wearing armor which makes for an extra challenge when playing melee/unarmed.

As for skills and perks, you definitely want to be very stealthy. Recon armor is useful if you aren't playing naked.
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Thomas LEON
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