It's like they all miss something/s.
All sensible apart from they don't even try to use the securitrons. Surely they would try, at least. Total waste not to try. Having a vast army or well trained troops is a good and sustainable way to fight. but surely powerful robots would help?
Maybe it's seeing it from the outside and they don't know that much about the securitrons to use them. But it is odd, however you think about it.
He accounts for every faction but the Great Khans. Maybe they don't figure to him anymore once he throws them off the strip. Or he can crush all and any enemies, so even if they sided with Caesers Legion, they would still not matter. It just does'nt seem a good idea to ignore them completely.
It is odd you can't ally with the Brotherhood Of Steel. You can with the NCR. House they all die, which makes sense. You should be able to ally with them and have them help you.
Caesers Legion (bleugh)
They are a big vile, disgusting logichole by default.
But some things really does'nt make sense.
Why the hell would ANYONE try to recruit the White Glove Society?! They're no good for fighting! They are a bunch of fashionistas and socialites! The most damage they can do is by hitting enemies one on one with their dress canes! They don't even use guns!
They're useless in any other situtation! They are only dealt with to get them out of the way for House and a independant. Not recruited.
They're matriarcal and sixually equal, cultured, well educated and very refined, what freaking interest would they EVER have with siding with CL?! ANY OF THEM! They're the exact opposite to CL!
I know that CL are complete and utter morons, but come on!
And the Omertas for that matter. They are gangsters who deal in drugs, alchohol, prosttutes and every vice possible. There is no logical reason why they would side with CL ever. CL is opposite to everything they are! It's not like they ar'nt in the thick of everything and they don't know what they're like!
The GKs I can sort of see why they might be fooled. Given they have been hiding in Red Rock Canyon for 4 years and don't have computers. But it is still deeply unlikely that they would be fooled by CL, surely they have to hear things?!