Your Courier's Back Story

Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:02 am

So I've been reading LR forums and a lot of people are saying they hope LR won't provide a back story for the Courier because they like to make up their own and I was wondering what people were thinking of for their courier's back story. I imagined my courier was born on the outskirts of Shady Sands, his father worked at the local Crimson Caravan branch, he and his mother tended to the few crops they have. When he turned 18 he decided he wanted to see they world and became a courier. He worked for many companies and traveled all around NCR territory, the pre war states north of NCR and Nevada where while working for the mojave express he was shot in the head.

pretty good story huh? I'm curious to what everyone else has.
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:21 am

My Courier's backstory is that he came from an area near the divide and decided the fate of the hometown, then he left and got shot...well isn't this convenient :)
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:51 pm

I'm fine with using The Courier's story up to the point where I'm shot in the head. I would like to do a Raider playthrough one day, but that would require mods. :sadvaultboy:
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:33 pm

My courier's story is quite complicated (mainly because he has been bugged by the game).

So, I've developed the story around the "bug".

My courier was an NCR Ranger who was honorably discharged after contracting a weird disease that causes him to constantly need stimpacks to live. If he does not inject himself once every few minutes he goes into cardiac arrest and will die (yes, my character will die within seconds if I do not constantly keep him pumped with stimpacks. I don't know why.) He wanders the wastes in search of stimpacks and also helps whom he can, when he can as long as it benefits him. Currently, he is working all sides of the field. He is helping his old employer the NCR, Ceasar's Legion and Mr. House. (I have never beaten the MQ once since the game was released). He is often accompanied by a BOS Paladin, a cranky NCR sniper, a floating Eyebot from the east coast, a doctor from the Followers, a ghoul, a supermutant, a cyber dog and a drunk caravaner. Together, they go in search of their fortune and a cure for the mysterious disease. They have effectively wiped out the Powder Gangers at the NCRCF, raided an old casino while avoiding "ghosts" (yes, did this with Cass and Raul), and are currently scavenging the Big Empty in search of awesome tech (yes, I have Cass and Veronica with me).

Maybe he will find the cure. Maybe he won't. Either way, he's determined to live a long time and leave a trail of destruction behind him.
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:50 am

My courier was shot in the head. As far as he and I are concerned, life didn't begin until that moment.

Ulysses can come and tell me that I'm an immortal transsixual cyborg alien from Pluto who pushed the button that launched the first nuke 200 years ago and I won't give a flying [censored] because that life is over.
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:33 pm

I've never really fine tuned a background, and what bit's I did were more his character , not his roots.
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:38 am

My female is my Fallout 3 character who emigrated into the Mojave Wasteland. Before or after the events of Broken Steel, I haven't decided.
My male character is.... Well..... Colonel Autumn. I spare him every time in Fo3 so I thought it would be a fun theory on where he went after being defeated.
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:27 pm

My Courier doesn't have a backstory per se. She lost her memory after being shot in the head.
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:46 pm

my couriers back story:

west Philadelphia born and raised on the playground was where I spent most of my days chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool and all shootin some b-ball outside of school when a couple of guys who were up to no good startin making trouble in my neighborhood I got in one little fight and my mom got scared she said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'
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Damian Parsons
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 11:17 am

My Courier's backstory, and how he earned the title "The Spirit of New Vegas".

So Will (My Courier) was at the Tops Casino when his friend made a bet with him that he couldn't do a simple Courier job. So Will said he could and got the job, but of course Benny shot him in the head near Goodsprings. Will had never really seen life outside of New vegas and when he saw all the poverty and danger worse than Freeside he made it a point for him to help as much of the wastleland he could on his search for Benny. He occasionally took trips back to Vegas to win lots of money in blackjack, but eventually he got banned from every casino and left. Little did he know that Benny had been staying in the Tops Casino, though. Will also got obsessed in collecting sunset sasparilla star caps. After finding and killing Benny, he took the platinum chip and gave it to Mr. House, and saved New Vegas from the NCR and the Legion and made it an independent faction.

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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:56 am

My second character: ?

My thirth (D.I.D.) character:

Otis Driftwood was born December 23rd, 2229. He was horribly neglected and abused by his parents, who didn't even give him a name. He committed his first murder at the age of thirteen, presumably his parents.
He was a drifter for much of his life, travelling over the country from Nipton to Vegas. In the northern Mojave at Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch, he met Boone (later to be known as Captain Spaulding), and was soon living with his new friend's family, whom he had renamed "the Fireflys". This family consisted of Boone's girlfriend, who was then called Veronica Santangelo, whom Driftwood nicknamed "Mama Firefly"; Veronica's two freak offsprings, Raul aka Rufus and Lily aka Tiny; and the daughter of Boone and Veronica. Rose-Mary, with whom Otis formed an immediate bond and nicknamed "Angel-Baby" and later just "Baby".

Otis is by far the most sadistic member of the Firefly family. He often considers himself to be a revolutionary and an artist; he makes sculptures out of his victims, or skins them to wear as costumes

Ten years after Otis joined the family, he and Baby roamed the states, murdering anyone in their path. These violent killings were referred to as the "Son of Satan Murders". Later, in the winter of 2276, Baby returned to Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch alone and resumed her life on the Firefly farm while Driftwood continued his murderous rampage. He travelled over the country stealing and selling drugs to survive. When business were slow, he took a job as a courier, but eventually got himself stranded at Goodsprings after he was left for dead...

Goals in life: obtaining the Meat of Champions devil's power, which recipe he found on one of his victims
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:12 pm

Let's see if I can remember my character's back story, I've been playing with him on and off for quite some time now. former, mentally unstable, drug addicted musician turned courier: Born back east... it's all a little hazy to him now that he's been shot in the head; He thinks he grew up in the DC area though. Not much in the way of childhood memories for him, although he still possess some memories of his life on stage. Ahhh, those were the days, but...

Fame has it's price, and Floyd paid dearly. In an attempt to get away from the spotlight of being a fairly well recognized personality, he takes a job delivering a simple chip in Vegas (although he doesn't really need the money), but after an unfortunate run in with the man who would leave him for dead, he finds a new purpose in life...but old habits do die hard; as he still can't shake his addiction, which only aggravates his already fragile mental state.

The musician turned courier continues off on his mission to find and kill the man who would leave him for dead and hopefully find some peace for himself.

AHA, There's Benny!!! A bullet through the head right there on the casino floor...served the bastard right. A firefight ensues and a courier, robotic dog and an aging Ghoul emerge victorious. One turn leads to another and the courier discovers there is much more to this chip than he was aware of, Dealing justice in his own twisted way with little regard for those who "get in the way"...collateral damage is acceptable to Floyd.

House is dead, as is the BOS, and Caesar...He's still waffling over whether to continue working for the NCR or take up Yes Man on his offer of an independent New Vegas. The latter is sounding more and more appealing to him now.
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:20 pm

Well, my first character didn't remember anything before being shot, much like Pistolero and Zeppelyn.

My current D.I.D. character is the one I write the blog about. And, as far as the blog is concerned, he is the same Joe from Fallout 3. I assume that he left his store in the Capital Wasteland (that place is basically a write-off, after all) and ventured west to a place where people have bothered to rebuild somewhat.
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:32 pm

My Courier was born in a house from the Divide. He had a dog, named Rufus. Before the storm came, Rufus ran off because he could sense the storm, and little Courier went after him, down the Lonesome Road and into the Mojave. Rufus was killed when the storm hit the Divide and threw busses and barns into the Canyone Wreckage, crushing him. The Courier didn't know this and unknowingly climbed over the Canyon Wreck where his dog was. He did courier work his entire life there until Benny shot him in the face.
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:14 am

My courier was shot in the head. As far as he and I are concerned, life didn't begin until that moment.

Ulysses can come and tell me that I'm an immortal transsixual cyborg alien from Pluto who pushed the button that launched the first nuke 200 years ago and I won't give a flying [censored] because that life is over.

funniest thing i've read today
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