Heres mine:
I was travelling to camp Golf with Raul and EDE to acquire a ranger combat helmet as I'd just gotten Raul Remnants PA from the Deathclaw place (forgot the name its across the river.) Anyway we jumped in miniguns blazing and quickly overran the Trooper camp outside the main building. I couldn't find any ranger snipers stationed on the perimeter so I decided we'd raid the main building. It would be a simple plan, run in kill a ranger and grab a helmet then flee. Normally I would have cleared out the entire outpost but I was low on ammo and my supply of caps that i'd obtained from an unlimited caps glitch was getting close to Bingo supply. So I decided it would be a quick battle. The kind thats over in a matter of seconds with a decisive VATS strike. Anyway the battle went as planned and we were in and out within a short time with the Ranger Vets on our tails. Normally they don't leave the building to pursue an attacker but for some reason they did. I was fleeing down the stone walkway with my companions and the Rangers on our heels when I turned the corner and in front of me was a Legion hit squad!
I quickly started firing at the pursuing vets hoping to even the ensuing battle a little. The hit squad rounded the corner and began engaging the Ranger Vets. Two of the 6 Legion soldiers ran to engage me. I prepared to dispatch them when an AM rifle shot shook the air and one dropped down headless. I was saved by a Ranger! Anyway the battle became a mayhem and me and my companions were saved both by the Legion and the Rangers numerous times. I decided to join in on the fray and began slowly firing on both sides. My ammo ran dry near the end and i quickly ran away with 3 Legion and 2 Ranger vets duking it out. Once I was safely away I halted and and surveyed the scene with my binoculars and noticed a lone Ranger vet brandishing his fists taking on an armed legion assassin. The ranger won.