3 Way Blood bath

Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:03 am

Have you ever been in a 3 way battle? If so what were the circumstances? The quest Birds of a Feather does not count.

Heres mine:

I was travelling to camp Golf with Raul and EDE to acquire a ranger combat helmet as I'd just gotten Raul Remnants PA from the Deathclaw place (forgot the name its across the river.) Anyway we jumped in miniguns blazing and quickly overran the Trooper camp outside the main building. I couldn't find any ranger snipers stationed on the perimeter so I decided we'd raid the main building. It would be a simple plan, run in kill a ranger and grab a helmet then flee. Normally I would have cleared out the entire outpost but I was low on ammo and my supply of caps that i'd obtained from an unlimited caps glitch was getting close to Bingo supply. So I decided it would be a quick battle. The kind thats over in a matter of seconds with a decisive VATS strike. Anyway the battle went as planned and we were in and out within a short time with the Ranger Vets on our tails. Normally they don't leave the building to pursue an attacker but for some reason they did. I was fleeing down the stone walkway with my companions and the Rangers on our heels when I turned the corner and in front of me was a Legion hit squad!

I quickly started firing at the pursuing vets hoping to even the ensuing battle a little. The hit squad rounded the corner and began engaging the Ranger Vets. Two of the 6 Legion soldiers ran to engage me. I prepared to dispatch them when an AM rifle shot shook the air and one dropped down headless. I was saved by a Ranger! Anyway the battle became a mayhem and me and my companions were saved both by the Legion and the Rangers numerous times. I decided to join in on the fray and began slowly firing on both sides. My ammo ran dry near the end and i quickly ran away with 3 Legion and 2 Ranger vets duking it out. Once I was safely away I halted and and surveyed the scene with my binoculars and noticed a lone Ranger vet brandishing his fists taking on an armed legion assassin. The ranger won.
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Enie van Bied
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 11:23 am

Rangers are overpowered.
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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:35 pm

Rangers are overpowered.

Thats not what this is about
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:15 am

Cool story bro.
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:43 am

Why does it occur often?
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Star Dunkels Macmillan
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:42 am

No I have never had one.

You forgot an option.

No, I kill everything within seconds.
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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:36 pm

Rangers are overpowered.

LOL that is funny. He writes that huge story, and you reply with this. lol
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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:23 pm

LOL that is funny. He writes that huge story, and you reply with this. lol

I was planning on linking some Spiderman pictures and proclaiming this to be a Spiderman thread, but I withstood the urge.
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:23 am

I was planning on linking some Spiderman pictures and proclaiming this to be a Spiderman thread, but I withstood the urge.

I'm glad you had the capacity to
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:42 am

Stories from New Vegas

On level 3 I headed to Bonny Springs to get the Love and Hate. After being brutally murdered by the Jackal Gang members there, I tried a new strategy, I lead the Bighorners outside of the town into the town. The fight that ensued between the bighorners and the jackals allowed me to get behind the jackals and help the bighorners kill them. Surprisingly, the jackals killed the bighorners and only lost one of their number.

Then they pursued me towards Goodsprings but gave up once I got too far away. So I proceed to lead the two cazadors on the hill near Goodsprings back down to the jackal gang members. The cazadors predictably destroyed the jackals as I ran right past them. I beat the last cazador by using 2 mines I had to cripple the wings and finished it off with a BB gun. :gun: Best fight ever.


Another three way was between me, some fiends, and EVERY SINGLE [censored] DEATHCLAW OUTSIDE OF QUARRY JUNCTION! I needed to get to New Vegas and was playing by "no fast travel" rules. I normally go up through Novac but this time I didn't feel like detouring just because of some [censored] deathclaws. So I got my compliance regulator, 100 energy cells, and Joshua Graham's armor and set out from the Mojave Drive in. Once past Quarry Junction, it wasn't long before I was discovered by the deathclaws in the area. I turned around and started back pedal jumping and firing the regulator whenever a claw got too close for comfort. About halfway to Camp McCarran, the claws were still in pursuit when, 'CLICK', out of ammo :swear: . Oh shi....

Unfortunately, I'd been having so much fun regulating D-claws, I'd saved when I had only 10 ammo left for the regulator. My next most recent save was 5 hours before so I had to figure a way to survive. There were at least 8-10 claws in pursuit. I died almost a dozen times trying everything I could think of. Finally, I got extremely lucky with all 10 of the hits from the regulator scoring crits. With this I was able to loop the claws on a nearby bridge which gave me enough distance to run towards McCarran. Then, I heard the sounds of laser fire. Some random Fiend was firing at me with a laser RCW. I was never so happy to see a fiend. He and his friends engaged the deathclaws behind me while I ran straight toward McCarran. I didn't look back to see who won, but I'd like to think I know the victor. ;)
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:10 pm

Believe it or not, I experienced what appeared to be a seven-way last night. (That's what she said...!!!) OK, sorry about that.

Anyway, I'm playing a very traditional NCR duty-bound, by the book courier. Just started. Never done this route before. I head east out of Nipton, all the way around and make the bend north towards Novac. I was pleased to see the double-merchant pack train comin' round the over pass, because I am perpetually low on ammo. Having just dispensed with the Jackal Gang at the Pit Stop, though, I had plenty of trade supplies, so I figured to pick up enough 20 ga and 9 mm to get me all the way to Novac without having to head back to Goodsprings.

Heading towards them, I see them start shooting, and as I come over the little hill, I see the two merchants and their guards mowing through the legion ambush team there. They're just kicking a$$, so I settle in to watch, as I'm still neutral with the legion. No wish to start worrying about death squads yet, as I'm only level 5/6 ish now!

I start picking up loot while they're still fighting, and notice one of the casualties is a Brotherhood of Light Ghoul from the Repconn Test site! Then, while still looting, I barely escape being decapitated by a Nightstalker, who fortunately gets offed by a massive blast of fire from the remaining Legion and Merchant participants. Naturally, I get the h#ll out of the way, so as not to catch any stray fire, or get eaten by a Nighstalker. The Legion by this time is doing better, because the Merchants are having some trouble with a couple more Nightstalkers. But, all but one of the legion is suddenly cut down by an NCR Trooper who appears out of nowhere to their north. The last Legion recruit kills him, but the Merchants make short work of him, having dispensed with the last of the Nightstalkers (with my help!).

Now, unbelievably, from behind the billboard to the NorthEast, a bunch of either Vipers or Jackals opens up on everyone, including Our Hero, knocking me a$$ over elbows and scrambling for cover and stimpaks. I get recovered enough after a few minutes (hardcoe / Very Hard, so it's not immediate), and start cussing, cause one of the merchants is down. I manage to contribute enough flying Sturdy Caravan Shotgun shells in the direction of the raiders to help put them for good, leaving one merchant and two guards alive.

Body Count in about 2-3 minutes of play time: 1 merchant, 2 merchant guards, 2 Brotherhood of Light Ghouls, 3 nightstalkers, 1 NCR Trooper, 3 Legion Recruits, 1 Legion Vet, and 3 raiders. Fortunately, the only casualties from Our Hero were a nightstalker and a raider, so no long term side effects. But, that was definitely the most varied battle I've ever seen. It was hellafun to experience!!!
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:06 am

Mine isn't anything special; I was in Zion Valley on a low level character thinking I'd be fine (I had the YCS/186 by then anyway). I was heading towards a small building where I had to collect something (I think it was the lunch boxes) for the main quest, when I was attacked by two regular yao guai. I got incredibly lucky that they were fairly far away when they spotted me, so I managed to whittle their health right down and killed one. When I was about to fire the killing shot for the last one, I got attacked by a giant green gecko and two of his minions. Since I didn't have Old World Blues then (it wasn't even out), I was seriously getting worried about dieing of poisoning. Luckily, the last yao guai that was still alive attacked one of the smaller geckos and managed to kill one before being killed its self. After managing to finish off the damned remaining geckos with the meat from one of the yao guai, I heard buzzing behind me. Guess what that was? Two damned cazadores! -_- It's no surprise I didn't survive the last attack :P

Oh, it was on easy difficulty by the way. I probably wouldn't have survived the yao guai attack in the first place if it was any higher.

Edit: that's a pretty damned amazing story bb_deed ;)
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:07 am

Am I the only one who skimmed through this thread - you guys write too much for me to stay interested :P

oh and to the question

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Ebou Suso
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:20 pm

you mean like, a ménage à trois with vampires in a jacuzzi?
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:31 am

In Searchlight, there was a battle between me, a few Profligate troopers, a couple bighorners and some feral ghoul troopers. 4 way blood bath.
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Penny Flame
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:15 am

Every playthrough when I'm traveling on the bridge across from Wolfhorn Ranch there's a war between the Legion, Nightstalkers, Vipers, Ghoul Troopers, and NCR. It's always a fun battle.
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