Mr house acting odd

Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:29 pm

So after beating the game many times I figured I would give mr house a break and side with him.

After I blow up hidden valley I go to turn it in which goes smoothly.

Now when I take the next quest he tells me I have to save the president then in the next line tells me I have to go open a hatch at the derelict weather station lol OK MR HOUSE I already did that prior.

so I click on him again and my only talk option is I already met caesar on fortification hill and he says blah blah blah then you have easy access.

So clicking again my only option is I wont do it mr house where he says maybe you want legion taking over .

At this point I am irritated as everything I have done has been for mr house's side of things and now it appears he is bugging out on me.

So giving it one last click he actually gives me the right quest to proceed NOW here is the issue.

I know all to well about quests that have broken and caused the game to screw up later down the line.

Given this is my first time through with mr house I am curious if anyone else had a similar issue and if things are gonna be ok lol
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:27 pm

Yes I'm having the same issue
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