I have a dilema...

Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:30 pm

So, i have't played New Vegas in just over 3 months, as my PS3 YLOD.
My save was around 80 hours (My 2nd playthrough on hardcoe & harder difficulty) and i had/was aiming towards that 'perfect' save, where you do all quests, find all items, etc...
Now, i backed up my old PS3 HDD, and restored it on my new one, but none of the gamesaves were backed up. But i remember backing my save up too the Online Storage when we all received 30 days free PSN+.
Basically, i don't know if i should start fresh, and create a new save, or spend £11.99 on 90 days PSN+ just for 1 gamesave...
The game isn't 'that' fresh in my mind, some parts are... But i was waiting for all of the DLC too be released before i started playing again, i completed Dead Money on my first save, though.
What would you guys do ? Pay £11.99 for a game save, or start fresh ?
I do have the collectors edition guide and stuff, so i can easily do everything i wish, but its just being motivated enough too roam around & stuff, i know that probably after a few hours ill be svcked in, im just not sure of what too do.
Seeing as im half way through 7 weeks off college, i was thinking on doing a couple of days solid New Vegas playing, all night & day sessions. Which would be awesome if i started a new save...
A part of me DOES want too recover my old one, but ive kind of forgot what i did and stuff in parts...

Any thoughts/suggestions ?
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:29 am

Get the DLCs if you don't already have them and start fresh.
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Natasha Callaghan
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