
Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:55 pm

A few things: why do you visit dungeons? I go only to level up and to get treasure, I really don't like them otherwise. They get me claustrophobic. In the dark I always feel lost and always take a deep breath of relief when I exit one/if I don't get lost.

Do you prefer dungeon fighting or outdoor? I like fighting in the pretty outdoors.

What type is your favorite? I like forts because I like humanoid combat, but ruins look cooler with the lighting and the mods I've installed.

I usually have to muster the will to go into them to levEl up to level 22. After that I do he main quest and other quests because the monsters are all unlocked.
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:41 pm

On my current character Broly, I have discovered almost all of the dungeons in western Cyrodiil. Of course I haven't even touched any quests, other than getting up to "The Blood of the Daedra" in the main quest and collecting daedric artifacts. Broly is level 28 and loves going dungeon diving. Since I'm RPing with this character, Broly prefers the Imperial Forts as well. Mainly to stock up on beer and ale and the occasional piece of treasure. He then takes them back and puts them on display in his home in Skingrad. Broly LOVES beer. The only wine he likes is from the Surillie Brothers, mainly because its so cheap.

Are you much of a RPer Jay?
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Post » Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:08 am

I actually never thought why I do dungeon diving. I guess I do it because it has been the main thing to do with many past RPGs I've played.

In or outdoors, I don't have a preference where to battle.

Favorite type of dungeon is Shivering Isles root dungeons/ caves.
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:32 pm

On my current character Broly, I have discovered almost all of the dungeons in western Cyrodiil. Of course I haven't even touched any quests, other than getting up to "The Blood of the Daedra" in the main quest and collecting daedric artifacts. Broly is level 28 and loves going dungeon diving. Since I'm RPing with this character, Broly prefers the Imperial Forts as well. Mainly to stock up on beer and ale and the occasional piece of treasure. He then takes them back and puts them on display in his home in Skingrad. Broly LOVES beer. The only wine he likes is from the Surillie Brothers, mainly because its so cheap.

Are you much of a RPer Jay?

Interesting thing you brought up. I do not role-play but Ratherenjoy the game as if I were actually IN Cyrodiil. I make my chacacter look like myself(shame I can't add the beard!) and name the same as well. I like to do everything like I would if I was really there as opposed to living the life of another. Except if I play as a female, but I only go a few hours in with my female.

I once tried to role-play a Durza character in looks and sorta evil/assassin guy, but lost interest soon enough.
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Post » Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:01 am

My character loves dungeon diving. Although she loves her friends, she is also a predator and never more alive than when hunting - particularly two legged varmints like marauders or necrodudes. She loves hunting outdoors, but even moreso inside dungeons - any dungeon (although forts are her fave). What she really loves is that even after she has cleared a dungeon, more prey eventually moves back in so she can never exhaust her passion. Even though she hunts in the dark, she never feels disoriented or claustrophobic - I expect that is because she wears a pair of rings that combine for 360 feet of detect life range. Overkill inside a dungeon, but very helpful outside in the wilderness.
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:11 pm

i do like exploring all the dungeons in cyrodiil (but especially the aylied ruins/you can just feel the history of them) my female breton crusader enjoys ridding them of naer do well's/undead e.t.c (also the treasure is an added plus ;-) i must admit though,to feeling a sense of relief,when i re emerge back into the outdoors again (as it does get dank/musty/claustrophobic)
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:15 pm

My characters love dungeon diving! They use it to level up block and armorer early in the game. Any cave with bandits is perfect for that.
Later in the game they normally adopt the 'poison and bow' attitude and quickly gravitate to sniping everything they can find.
There is nothing more fun then sniping conjurers before they can see you in the dark.

Crayfish Cave is my current fav.
It has heaps of exits and levels. I enjoy the way it doesnt feel like it has been joined together by lego blocks by one Beth designer. :tongue:
Oh, and it sometimes has a Land Dreugh charge out of the dark at me. Great atmosphere!
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