that's a good question.
It might still be governed by one-handed, it's just that there are no perks (unless Todd used a weird build of the game where they deliberately removed the H2H perks).
It might still be governed by one-handed, it's just that there are no perks (unless Todd used a weird build of the game where they deliberately removed the H2H perks).
What are the perks because things like damage modifyers or stagger an opponent could just be done with hands instead are there perks in the tree that could only be done with a dagger for instance because we know an axe gets a different perk than say a mace and can cause bleed maybe hands get differances like that ?or am i thinking wrong and there are both axe and mace perks not just one that has a different effect.Say critical blow made up i dont know the perks but it with an axe causes bleed with a mace does something else with hands does yet another thing?If perks are more of the generic type i think it could work for all weapons even hands .
Ahh I found these these but there arent discriptions for all of sure there are more.
One-Handed Prowess- one HANDED weapons other than daggers do 40% more damage.
Hack and Slash- Attacks with war axes cause extra bleeding damage. Requires One-Handed 30
One-Handed Tactics
Stand and Deliver
Savage Blows
Bone Breaker