Yeah, sign me up for an Aussie Rp. If only we were allowed to swear on these forums.... JOKING MODERATORS AHHHHH!
Yeah.... so with this 'Aussie Rp' why not have it in the glorious south? By which I mean Victoria, Tasmania doesn't count.
I think the RP should be in DC, but Aussies in D.C. Why? Because its easier to RP in an already existing land with a set basis (Towns/Factions/Places etc) than having to create something new. And sometimes people create stupid things, or get bored of having to describe new places and make backstories for everything. In D.C, everyone knows the backstory of the BoS and what Megaton looks like, but in *InsertRandomPlaceHere* no one knows what the Random Squad is or Generic Town looks like.
Therefore, I vote we stay in D.C. Maybe make it in the future though, so we can have some more freedom with our writing.