I was getting a really low framerate of about 15-30 and it was pretty unplayable....Not the stuttering issue...Just low fps...I tried all .ini file tweaks and lowered my graphics setting and still it only went up to about 30 fps.........I've still been playing the game at this low framerate and pretty much gave up.......But today...completely unrelated to fallout....I decided to try to make windows 7 start-up faster...So I opened up msconfig.....so I could setup my startup options......I just went to Selective Start-up.........Then you click on the services tab......There's a little check box that says hide microsoft services....click that....Then I went through and took off random programs and Anti-virus software that was starting with windows........Then I clicked on the start-up tab and did the same thing.....The idea is to cancel as many unnecessary programs as possible....restart and walla....New Vegas at 60 frames........I hope it works for someone else too.....