I need some help figuring out some stuff for custom weapons. One is a large cannon, a modification of the Tesla Cannon. I want it to disintigrate everyone it kills, so I have the AlienDisitigrationFx as its OnCrit and OnDeath effect. However, I need to know if there is a way to GURENTEE that every hit will be a critical hit? Even if it doesnt kill them in one hit, the death hit needs to be a critical so they are vaporized. It has to occur as it's part of the weapons Lore and functionality.
If I set the Crit % Mult to 100, since it should technically just multiply any chance by 100, making it at least 100 (unless the chance was 0 to start, somehow) would that work? Or would that cause issues somehow?
Thanks for any help! And ask if you need clarifying! I need to finish this by the end of tomorrow.
Alexander J. Velicky
EDIT: I fixed one of the two issues. I just need to know about CritChance.