Yes i have made two partner mods, one that works perfeclty well, is an imperial Legion Regiment follow mod, and the other i am having problems with is a Dunmer misc mod. They both have pretty much the same scripting, none of the mods are conflicting with each other. My problem is that the dunmers, in my second mod (AranMathi) won't follow me into an oblivion gate, but the Imperial Legion Regiment will, this is exclusively, asking either the Dunmers or the Imperials to follow me seperately. The Dunmers and Imperials will follow me when i tell them, this isn't a problem with the followers, it's a problem with the dunmers not following me into an oblivion gate. Has this anythintg to do with faction? They are of player faction and another "IzCAranMathiFacftion". There dispostion towards me is 100.