My concern: If I dismiss a companion after making some progress with their character history (not the actual companion quests, but the prerequisite dialogue/missions) and have them rejoin me at a later time, will that history carry over or is it erased upon dismissal?
This is my first play through, and I'm trying to maintain a logical progression in my travels--slowly moving toward the destinations of the courier's personal mission, reacting genuinely to people and factions, only discovering locales when appropriate, etc... I currently have Boone and ED-E with Novac as my temporary home, and have gathered a few of Boone's history points via Nelson. Just encountered Veronica at the trading post, and I'd like her to join me because ED-E's final quest locations are coming up and her presence seems appropriate. If I temporarily leave Boone behind in Novac and rejoin him later, will I lose those history points or will we pick up where we left off?