Enclave vs. Caesar's Legion

Post » Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:41 am

I would say the Enclave. The Legion is just murdering and trying to conquer the Mojave without a real plan what's going on while the Enclave has a government and army and their technology is close to the Brotherhood on. fighting the Enclave with the Brotherhood in Fallout 3 was always cool while i got pretty bored of slaying the Legion. I mean serioulsly, machetes? I just wish there would be a chance to join the Enclave or ally with them. One of the coolest things in New Vegas is fighting the Hoover Dam war with a squad of Enclave Remnant's anyway :flamethrower:

So, who do you think is better/cooler and why?
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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:22 am

I prefer the Legion, your more likely to join them and they don't try to kill you on the 1st introduction.
Their plan for the Mojave involves working with you not shooting you, asking for your help and then shooting you again, they have no political infighting or criminal activity in their homeland and their less discriminative than the Enclave.
Enclave, the closest you get to helping them is the FEV put into Project Purtity and even that can kill you since your not "pure human", Enclave svck now in my opinion after I realised this fact :)
I like that the Legion rely more on, man-power and military tactics compared to the Enclaves come in on a vertibird, turn things to goo, fly away again. It seems bland and boring

I just realised the vote was for better villian, my vote is changed to Enclave because I view Legion as allies.
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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:45 pm

I prefer the legion

Enclave is good but there goals of killing all who are not pure and for me having the enemies constantly having high tech equipment gets boring very quickly (One of the problems with Brotherhood Vs Enclave is they both near the same tech front which is fun few times just starts to feel bland)

Legion while I think fairly undevloped has got more of a goal and they are joinable something the Enclave never had.
Legions tech advance while primitiave gives them a bit more chracter and when they are facing enemies with diffrent techolgy really makes them shine alittle more.
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Isaiah Burdeau
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