» Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:09 pm
Everyone seems to whine and complain about what's "wrong" with skyrim. Quite frankly the truth is everyone is going to freakin love it. It's going to be epic, it's going to feel huge, and really there's nothing to complain about since it's been 5 years since the last TES. at least there is another one! lol. anyway, my opinion is that while some things seem like they're "dumbing things down" they're actually doing a good thing. they're slowing backpedalling while improving so that when they get everything perfect they can then add add add! it's a very smart tactic that I personally would use while creating a series. things have to change, be improved, and redone before they can continue with having so much. Morrowind was a great game, but there was way too much in it. Oblivion can't even be really talked about cuz they had a whole bunch of budget and time cuts before they were ready. but if you look at both of them, they're made so that magic can literally make you invincible and dominate. 100% cameleon? wtf!?! yeah good idea except there was also invisibility! and invisibility svcked! why have both? because they were trying to put too much into the game! not that they can't make some awesome or even huge games because they do. but if everyone wants the ultimate TES game, first of all this is going to be the closest so far and second they have to perfect the basics which they clearly haven't done from the other games. and don't sit here and bad mouth me about my cameleon and invisibility comments they were simply to make a point. this game will be awesome, undoubtedly game of the year. let them take away some things, so that they can add better things later.