[REL] Projectile Hilarity

Post » Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:25 am


Projectile Hilarity adds five new or modified ammunition types with altered projectiles.

First up... the 40mm grenade is now much more properly shaped and true to reality. Also, 40mm weapons now have a projectile follow cam for VATS akin to the Fat Man's.

Second, there is now a 40mm Plasma Grenade variant. Mmmm, smell that ozone.

Thirdly, there is also now a 40mm Pulse grenade variant. More 40mm goodness! Now those Brotherhood paladins won't laugh if you bust out the thumper on them.

Fourthly, the .50MG Incendiary shot now actually has an incendiary explosion (albiet small).

Lastly but not leastly, Coinshot now scatters coins all over the ground on impact. They can be picked back up as well to be reused (if they didn't get mangled in the process).

There was originally going to be more, but they didn't work out. I was going to add "subsonic" ammo that had a suppressed muzzle flash and was completely silent, but it seems that there's no discernible difference in detection of projectiles.

Another failed experiment was "40mm Buckshot". Due to a myriad of factors, it was never meant to be.

All are craftable through use of Antistar's Ammo Crafting Schematics system (which is required BTW).






http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=43420 (http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=41013 required!)
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Tracy Byworth
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