How to double dip experience at Repconn HQ

Post » Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:50 pm

An interesting bug I never noticed until today, may get changed in the future but it is repeatable across multiple character saves so I'm pretty confident this works for everyone.

There is a way to double dip experience from killing robots at the Repconn HQ. What I did was killed every robot first, then I went to the 3rd floor terminal and used the "disable robots" command on the computer terminal that requires 100 science to hack. After that every Mr. Handy corpse through the building suddenly had 1hp and would grant more experience when killed, although they appeared as corpses just like I left them. The robots were also looted before hand, and after doing this they yielded an extra 1 scrap metal.
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Camden Unglesbee
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