» Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:20 am
Most people I know have a real problem with vault 34 just because its the only vault that puts you on a timer (radiation) so I'd only suggest doing it after you've also completed a DLC like Dead Money where you can mass produce radx and radaway. Its a pretty easy vault to memorize though, and the fallout wiki even has a easy to follow guide for how to run through the vault in just a few minutes. Hopefully after your 3rd or 4th time there you'll remember it, its nowhere near as random of a layout as lets say... the king's place, most diagonal 4 story building I've ever seen.
but look at the rewards of the vault, all american, c4, combat armor, and the pulse gun. 2 amazing unique weapons in 1 place, pretty slick. Also if your the kind of person who plans ahead and ends up with jury rigger. theres an insane amount of 10mm pistols you pull out of that place, and those can repair so many high cap yield guns.