» Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:47 pm
Hopefully, they do another Fallout. As I and obviously others, have enjoyed the title. Bethesda has said that Fallout wasn't something they were going to do once and be done with. So, odds are even though they're working on :tes: , they probably have concepts for :fallout: . I really want to see what they do with the next Fallout, after seeing what they've done and where they've gone with Skyrim, I'm excited that Fallout will be better than its predecessors.
Odds are, they'll also release the next game on next-gen consoles whenever they may be announced.
Plus, since they can switch between the two, I think it gives the team time to relax and refresh on TES, where as when working on TES it let's them refresh and get ready for Fallout. I personally, can't wait for Skyrim, and can't wait to see what they're going to do next.