Permanently lowered attribute (Perception)

Post » Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:10 pm

Hi everyone,

like the title and the description already says: I am having a problem with my perception attribute. Without any effects raising or lowering the attribute, it has a value of 8. Now something happened and I have absolutely no clue how or what has caused this, but my actual savegame has it constantly lowered by 7 points. The funny thing (or not so funny thing) is, in the status screen of my Pip-Boy shows up only one effect that alters my perception. It's the 1st Recon Beret from Boone which worked fine and did what it was supposed to do. Stupid me for overwriting my last saves before noticing something went down the drain and now I'm stuck at a penalty of -7 perception and I can't get rid of it.
I guess it could have been caused due to a glitch like the one in Dead Money were you can raise your attributes permanently by selling stat-altering armor/appearel while wearing them. It is surely no mod conflict as I loaded a very old savegame which has correct attribute values with my currently installed mods and it's fine. So the problem is not the mods itself but the savegame.

Does anyone know of a way to fix this problem? I don't care if it's by manipulating the savegame, or using the console... I just want my stats to be normal again *sighs*

Oh, and it's not caused by radiation poisoning or drug addiction. There are no negative effects shown on the status screen.

Thanks for reading and your help in advance,
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marie breen
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Post » Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:49 am

Nah bro, I've never had this problem. I think it's exactly what you said. As for the actual reason it's going down, I have never heard of this happening to anybody, ever. Sorry if I didn't help at all but it seems like just a ultra-rare bug or something. If you're playing on PC, can't you just type something in or put in some sort of code or something to raise your Perception back up?
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Cat Haines
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Post » Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:56 am

Nah bro, I've never had this problem. I think it's exactly what you said. As for the actual reason it's going down, I have never heard of this happening to anybody, ever. Sorry if I didn't help at all but it seems like just a ultra-rare bug or something. If you're playing on PC, can't you just type something in or put in some sort of code or something to raise your Perception back up?

Ah well, I've always said I would be the perfect Betatester. Call me Murphy *laughs*

I could use the console to ad those missing points manually, but I'd prefer a more 'clean' way to do this. Reasons: 1. I would still have this (-) behind the attribute which probably will confuse me after a while and 2. If it happens again I have to remember if I raised my perception since the last occurence of this bug.

Guess I have to use this way if nothing else works though.
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