What we want, but know we can't have.

Post » Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:37 pm

I know alot of you have ideas that probably won't make it to Skyrim, so let's make a list of some things that would be nice to have in the game, even if they don't affect gameplay much. I'll start. (and please don't make this into a "I want the game to be less dumbed down" thread)

I've been thinking about the perk system and a perk to be able to dual wield claymores or 2 handers would be fun, but the animations would have to be pretty crazy for that to happen, even though oblivion's skeletons could use a claymore with one hand.

I also wish they would have a gore OPTION, like being able to cleave your enemies heads clean off their shoulders and arrows making the back of someone's head split open.

Edit: I also want to be able to use telekinesis on dead bodies, I can't tell you how many times I've found a bandit on a bridge and wanted to throw his body off of it.

But that's just me.

Anyone else got some ideas that wont be put into the game?
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jessica robson
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Post » Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:31 pm

If the gore was realistic, I'd be all for it, but it'd have to be a damned big arrow to be able to split the back of somebody's head open.

I'd like the ability to combine any two spells with the dual wielding system, hopefully a mod will come out for that but I don't really have my hopes up.
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Post » Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:53 pm

See our legs in first person. That's all.
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:16 pm

I want to ride dragons
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Alexandra Ryan
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