Ever since then it has been nothing but glitch after glitch after glitch. I have had so many glitches and have had so many saves corrupt and so many system freezes that the game has become impossible to play without wanting to throw my controller through my flatscreen! Before this patch, the game was somewhat buggy, but it was playable. Painful at times - but playable. Now it is just glitch hell! Doing the Brotherhood of Steel quest was particularily hair pulling. Roughly 40% of the times I would go through any door in hidden valley, I would get a black screen after going through the door. Sometimes I could still hear sound after going through the door but have no video. Other times, nothing. Reboot xbox again. This happens many other places as well. I've had bugs where people refuse to ackowledge me, lucky 38 elevator stops working, blowing myself up with my own explosives that were clearly way to far away to do any harm (were talking across an entire town) especially with the perk that lets you take less damage from your own exposives. I could not play the game for 15 minutes without something going wrong. It got so bad and I got so pissed, I chucked the game back into storage and signed up for these forums.
Is anyone else having this much trouble since the new patch? Is there something I can do to lessen the number of glitches I am experiencing? Is there a way to uninstall this stupid patch! When the DLC's for Fallout 3 came out, I bought every one of them - they were all a ton of fun. I would like to get the DLC's for New Vegas but there is no way I am going to spend more money on something that is this messed up.
Anyone else feeling my pain?