BOS Bug in Bunker

Post » Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:40 am

O.K.... things are finally running right! Or are they?... :brokencomputer: Steams finally running fine, And after gaming over 160 hrs. into Fallout- NV; Take a guess what I find happening in the Lost Ranger Quest? I visit the wrong bunker & find a Brotherhood of Steel Scribe putting an explosive collar around my neck,telling me to get rid of him; And the collar will be removed. After talking too him detailing me he is keeping his eye on the area, I explain to him he had to leave; In which he wouldn't. I explained to him Brotherhood of steel was based in the bunker's, & that they had placed the explosive collar around my neck; In whitch he immediatly removed for me. Seconds later; Down run 5 Brotherhood of Steel barreling down on us with Energy weapon's. With one thing in mind; To kill me & the Ranger.... In whitch they didn't. Quest failing all my Brotherhood of steel quests,Changing or screwing up my entire game. If that's how the Brotherhood of Steel plan's on treating those ranger's in this game; They can now live my In-game with one less Bunker Base too!... & Ladies & Gent's; I went from a Waste Land Knight the first time to this! But one thing is for sure in my game. I'll gladly defend myself & the life of a Ranger; Especially 5 to 2 odds in a enclosed bunker. At least the NCR doesn't make a habbit of shooting Innoscent Waste Lander's or Civilian's. So explain that & just exactly what tyhose people did to the gaming community Sara!.... Sincerly,...Shardstride... :sadvaultboy:
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meg knight
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Post » Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:49 am

So your letting us know you failed... What bug are you talking about lol? All rangers should die!!!
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Kat Ives
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Post » Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:57 am

I don't see a bug, you, no offense, took the dummy route and said 'HEY RANGERMAN! THE BROTHERHOOD YOU IS HUNTING IS LIEK TOADLY DOWN HER IN TEH BUNKOR!' The BoS has a microphone in the collar as part of the test. You were supposed to either lie that the Powder Gangers use the bunkers or sabatoge his radio while he was outside of the bunker.
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Emilie M
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