Finally became a member of the Brotherhood tonight, had me and Victoria fully decked out in Power Armor (Me in the 45d version because it doesn't make other factions hostile towards me and a gauss rifle, her in the 51b version cause it looks badass with the unique power fist Pusher) then I realized I hate power armor and companions. I hate power armor because it's heavier than hell and I am awfully slow while wearing it, as well as it being awful for stealth which I prefer (I take the sneaking around while capping enemies from afar with a suppressed sniper rifle approach) And energy weapons just svck. I hate companions because they always give away my position, as well as getting stuck in the most ridiculous places. I can easily jump a fence or something similar a few feet high, but they have to take the long way around, they do the same thing going up or down a mountain. Ridiculous I say! So, I threw all the power armor and energy weapons into Victoria's inventory and said bye-bye! And off she went back to 188

From now on I'm gonna take the Lone Ranger/Sneaky Sniper approach to all situations. Huge waste of time...