Under System Requirements

Post » Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:36 am

For the system recomendations, my processor is .04 GHZ under the recommended 2.0 GHZ. How bad of a problem would that be if I downloaded the game? Would you still suggest me buying it?
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Post » Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:50 am

For the system recomendations, my processor is .04 GHZ under the recommended 2.0 GHZ. How bad of a problem would that be if I downloaded the game? Would you still suggest me buying it?

You could try to overclock it. Just a little.
If necessary just google instructions for how to overclock your processor.

If it's a laptop use a cooling pad- helps offset extra heat, cooler machines perform better anyway.
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:23 am

It could be pretty bad, especially if its a single core chip. the Gambryo engine is a notorious CPU hog and the main thread will eat any cycles you give it. (atleast on core 0) if you don't have any extra cores to offload havok and file loaders it might just crash at startup

post your system specs
for a more use-able answer
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Javaun Thompson
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