I'd also like to see some options given with the enclave we never had a chance to really reason with them its always their insane leader who won't be swayed, you'd think a normal person would rethink their approach to rebuilding America.
:rolleyes: Why would the grunts think differently? Where they raised in a different environment to the leaders? No. The Enclave were locked on an Oil Rig for 165 years, the only time that they conducted serious mainland operation before then was in the 2170's after the Master had been defeated so what they saw was Super Mutants tearing [censored] appart. This validated everything that they had thought.
The Enclave are not rational people, their culture and society evolved from the same xenophobic ideas ricochetting of the walls of a sealed container for 165 years. I will never understand the notion that the Enclave can see that they are doing bad because almost all of them have demonstrated the ability that they cannot, the Remnants can after 30 years in the wasteland but even one of them still holds true to the Enclave creed.
Their approach is sound, both objectively and from their own warped perception of morality and ethics, the Enclave don't need to be 'humanised' in such an overly ham-fisted way which contradicts what we have seen; people just need to open their frickin' eyes is all, the Enclave are perfectly human characters.