EDE needs to be fixed for Lonesome Road?

Post » Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:55 am

not really looking for any spoilers here, though spoilers never really bothered me

Whats this about an achievement being to find all EDE's upgrades? EDE is glitched out of my game, and I can't find him, even after beating old world blues, even after using the companion dismissal terminal. Am I going to be missing out on some of the content of lonesome road through no fault of my own?

What about those players that have legitimately had EDE die in hardcoe mode? Are they not going to be able to enjoy EDE's upgrades?

Can you even bring companions to lonesome road?

Can there be something where EDE gets respawned? We now have the companion dismissal terminal, but what about a companion respawn terminal for just EDE? EDE is seriously glitched and he has been glitched since the game came out 10 months ago, and hes a robot, so it makes in game sense if he could be rebuilt. You could put a ham radio thing in the nash residence and when you interact with it, it says something like "EDE has been called back" or maybe there could be an item called "EDE schematics" in the nash residence, and when you interact with it it says "rebuild EDE? yes/no" and when you hit yes, it destroys the ede asset and respawns him in the nash residence. you could even make it so you need to use 50 scrap metal and 50 scrap electronics to rebuild him, so people wouldn't abuse it and have EDE die all the time. Or you could make it so you can only do it once, and it would really just be for people who have been playing the game from day one, bought all the expansions, not to mention bought FO3 on release date and all those expansions, who just want to play this final(?) dlc the way it was meant to be played.

having not played lonesome road yet, maybe i just don't understand what is going on but please help!!
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:46 am

i mean it seems sort of crazy to me to have the most glitched out character in the game be the only one that has anything to do with the dlc's . . .
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