All Companion Glitch - Help

Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:32 am

I've been attempting to use the Veronica companion glitch in order to bring Boone into DLC's with me, as I enjoy having my own personal tank around. However I've been getting no luck, as he's always sent back to Novac when i attempt to start Dead Money. I have 5 companions with me now, they all tag along except for Boone. I'm guessing its because he's listed as the active companion but I don't know how to change that. Can anyone help?
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Stephy Beck
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 5:55 am

bump...could somebody please help
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Post » Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:41 pm

My guess is dont have him be the second recruited companion, i.e recruit everyone else first using this glitch and recruit him last. If its just him recruit Veronica do the glitch then recruit another companion then boone. He might be filling the pet companion spot that ED-E and Rex fill.
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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 6:31 am

ive tried all sorts of combinations that involve dismissing then re-recruiting boone, but i've yet to simply kick everyone out and start over. I also forgot to mention that I have Rex with me, he's always sent packing too but I understand i can't do anything about that. I guess theres nothing left to try except clean house and start over.
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brenden casey
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:31 am

Unfortunately, without a mod that changes the script that checks for companions when starting dead money, I don't see away around this.

Basically, like most scripts that fire your companions, the game checks for each companion in a certain order, then when it finds one it doesn't search for any others.

EX: You have Veronica, Lily and ED-E hired. You start Dead Money.

the game checks if Boone is hired. He is not,
then checks for Arcade. He is not,
it checks for Cass... she isn't hired.
it checks for Lily. She is hired, so it kicks her out. Now that it found Lily, it doesnt check for any other humanoid companions because your only supposed to have one at a time. This is why extra followers follow you into DLC if you use a mod/glitch to have more then one. Veronica follows you into Dead Money.

it now checks secondary companions (Rex and ED-E)

it checks for Rex, not there
it checks for ED-E, kicks him out.

Unfortunately, Boone is at the top of the list and is always checked first. So if he's hired, it kicks him. If he's not, it goes on down the list till it finds someone, if anyone.

The list goes like this (NOTE: this isn't for all times followers get kicked. It's different some other times):

------------ (creatures)


Hope this helped!
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phil walsh
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Post » Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:27 pm

yeah it did help. pretty depressing, but it helped nonetheless. thanks!
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Inol Wakhid
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