» Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:41 am
To answer the question; the designers, if not the coders, certainly do. They have to. Among other things, I write; mostly in the fantasy genre. If I use magic, unless I am prepared to create =and explain= a magical 'system' out of whole cloth, then you have to use one of the existing systems. Or kit bash two or more. And you have to do your research; otherwise those who have studied will point out each and every error and mistake. However, I doubt very seriously if they ever go much above what I call 'Hollywood Magic'. If you have ever actually researched the occult, you know that movies grab whatever looks good or scarey, throws in fog, low frame lighting, and 90 days post production work. I've yet to see an accurate high magic ritual portrayed on screen, silver or otherwise. You've never seen a proper Satanic ritual, as it is basically anti-Catholic in nature, and there are things and materials used that can't be shown without a full blown advlt rating and a lot of backlash from one or more churches. The same with most wiccan rituals; from the outside, far enough away to avoid disturbing things, they are usually pretty boring; and Hollywood hasn't even attempted to master the skills needed to show a skyclad ritual without making it all about the boobies, baby! and how they can hide the dangly guy bits so as to not get that issue flung at them.
However, aside from doing just enough research (or using the research others have done), I seriously doubt there is -any- occult study at the corporate level. One must have a soul to dabble in magic, after all........