Ah, I didn't know Assassination was buggy. Well, sad to hear but good to know I guess.
You could put the info about it requiring MWSE in big red letters and include it anyway :whistling: Doesn't matter to me though. I've never even finished one Morag Tong quest (unless the poison-Balyn-Omarel one counts), I hardly need more lol. :sweat:
Another couple of suggestions: Antares' Little Mod collection includes two mods, adding usable trap type things.
Kirel's sneak attack gives you an attack bonus for your first strike if you've been sneaking while holding a weapon for long enough. Seems like it would go well with the other two, allowing for ambushes etc. Hit them from afar and then watch them kill themselves on your traps ...

Actually, most of Kirel's mods never leave my game. He's got some great little gameplay tweaks that work like a treat. /end offtopic advertising.