» Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:59 am
I usually enchant a weapon with some kind of damage plus soul trap and use it that way. You need to be able to cast a spell before you can use it for enchanting, so buying that spell wasn't a waste.
Then each blow from the weapon re-applies the soul trap, and you only need it to last until the next hit (one or two seconds). Because you have the spell available to cast by hand, you can always re-start the process if your weapon runs out of charge, as it might if you get a lot of NPC enemies in a row.
If you're playing a pure mage, then there's not much use for the trapped souls, so don;t worry about missing a few. Sould gems are mainly used for recharging weapons, so this method has the weapon refill the gem (Azura's Star as soon as you can get it).