[REL]ECR Energy Cells Recharged

Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:09 pm

From the creator of E.C.K.O. energy cell killer overhaul brings you ECR Energy Cells Recharged

GET IT HERE http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=43111


Changes the sound of the fission battery recharger from the looping generator sound to the fire tesla cannon sound because the looping generator is annoying.

Fixed the toaster requirement in the battery recharger from the pre war toaster to the common post war toaster, and added a motorcycle gas can as a component in making as well.

Adds the ability to make a Fission Battery Recharger to reuse dead fission batteries for exchange of flamer fuel. It works like any regular gas powered generator.

Adds the ability to make empty cells from scratch! Both new recipes require high levels of science and the vigilant recycler perk.


Makes it easier for energy weapon users to cope with having low amounts of ammo available. Energy cells of all kinds except for alien power cells (for balance reasons) and flamer fuel have new ways of creation!


For installing or upgrading simply extract all files and folders to the data folder. If asked to overwrite click yes.

1. Improved Vanilla Recipes

1.1 Recycling Recipes
Now whenever you recycle drained cells you get empty cells that can still be used for recharging (at a smaller rate) instead of losing the cells.

1.2 Over and Max Charging
The same now also applies to creating max charged and over charged cells. The cells that normally vanished are now Empty cells.

1.3 Conversion Recipes
Now you cannot simply convert cells from one type to another without having empty cells of that type.
For example normally you could convert 20 Micro Fusion Cells into 30 Small energy cells without ever having a small energy cell.
Now to do that you would need the 20 MFC and 30 Empty SEC which would give you 30 SEC and 20 Empty MFC.

2. New Energy Cell Recipes

2.1 Recharging Drained and Empty cells with Fission Batteries (which now weigh 1 pound)
You can now turn those worthless fission batteries and your drained and empty cells into new energy cells and an empty fission battery that can be recharged with a new craftable fission battery recharger.
Recharge rates with fission cells depend on what type of cell and whether or not they are empty or drained and getting the Vigilant Recycler perk greatly increases the amount.










2.2 Bulk Energy Cells
There is a recipe for changing bulk cells into drained cells for recharging.

2.3 Drain Max Charged and Over Charged
You can now drain Over charged and Max charged Cells into regular cells which requires extra empty cells.

3. Craft New Items

3.1 Create Empty Energy Cells from scratch.
New Empty Cells can be made but require the Vigilant Recycler Perk and a High Science Skill 90 for SEC, 95 for MFC, and 100 for ECP.

All 3 recipes require the same materials

1 scrap electronics
1 scrap metal
1 conductor
1 pilot light
500 lead

Which create one of the following

20 Empty MFC
30 Empty SEC
60 Empty EPC

3.2 Fission Battery Recharger
The idea behind the Fission Battery Recharger is that it is simply a scrap yard version of a gas powered generator. You pour in your flamer fuel, insert your Empty Fission Cell, turn it on at a workbench and presto you've got a new fission battery for recharging your cells up with.

3.21 Building the Fission Battery Recharger.

I feel that this item had to be difficult to create because of how extremely usful and potentially unbalancing it is therefore the recipe requires 100 Science and the Vigilant Recycler perk

The List of Required Materials.

10,000 Lead
5 scrap electronics
5 scrap metals
5 wonder glues
3 conductors
1 motorcycle gas tank
1 toaster
1 wood chipper (which there were only 2 in the game but I added 2 more in reasonably easy to find areas) Spoiler at bottom of readme.

note that the wood chipper by itself weighs 50 lbs.

for further balancing this item will weigh 100 lbs.

So far the recharger has the same model as the default static power generators found throught the game.

3.22 Using the Fission Battery Recharger

The Recipe calls for

1 Empty Fission Battery
50 Flamer Fuel
1 Fission Battery Recharger (Recharger is not lost in recipe)

This requires you have 100 science and the vigilant recycler perk which you should have by now anyways.

This will grant you

1 Fission Battery
50 Empty Flamer Fuel
1 Fission Battery Recharger

Also note that this will make you only able to recharge 1 Fission battery at a time.

I would like to make it so it took a certain ammount of real time of the generator running to create the charge but I am not skillful enough to create that. Recharging your cells one by one will have to do for now...

3.3. Flamer Fuel

First off a bit of a discussion of flamer fuel...

Flamer fuel is a liquid gas or other highly flammable material like lets say ethanol or in other words Moonshine. Other then that a thickening agent is added to help solidify it to make more of a napalm characteristic to the flame such as, turpentine which is flammable plant solvent that is highly available in game and "should" work. And soap was found to add to the stickiness of napalm and created a slower burn.

Just a bit of an explanation for why I chose the recipes I used.

But before we get to the recipes I renamed drained flamer fuel tanks to empty flamer fuel tanks and made it so there is a 100% chance of getting an empty fuel tank instead of losing the fuel cell somehow.
The default Recipes for combining the "drained" flamer fuel have been removed.

The mass water purification recipe now requires science skill instead of survival. What does water have anything to do with making flamer fuel??? You'll see soon enough.


Flamer fuel (50)

50 Empty Flamer Fuel Tanks
1 Moonshine
1 turpentine
1 Box of Detergent

Homemade Flamer fuel (20)

20 empty Flamer Fuel Tanks
5 turpentine
1 box of detergent

So as you can see it is better to use moonshine as flamer fuel but there's not much moonshine available....

Until now with new Moonshine Recipes usable at a fireplace NOT WORKBENCH

All moonshine Recipes require

25 science skill
1 pressure cooker in Inventory
1 glass pitcher in Inventory

10 purified water (that's why the mass water purification recipe has changed plus science makes more sense to me then survival anyways)
1 yeast

and last but not least one of the following

15 apples
15 Nevada Agave Fruits
10 Banana Yucca Fruits
20 Barrel Cactus Fruits
30 Honey Mesquite Pods
12 Fresh Maize
15 Pears
30 Prickly Pears
10 Potatoes

Note that fresh picked versions where chosen where multiple varieties of said fruit or grain where available so GO PICKIN!!!

Also note that no Moonshine recipes will be visible without having the Pressure cooker and glass Pitcher in your inventory


EVE Make your Energy Weapon Kills and Energy Weapons Look AWESOME.

Static Battery Replacer

This mod replaces all the static decorative Fission batteries you can't pick up with real ones. For obvious reasons this works out rather nicely with This mod.

Future plans

I would like to make the fission battery recharger an item that is interacted with outside of inventory and uses scripts to make it have to "run" for a period of time to recharge the batteries and possibly make a solar powered recharger that would take longer and only work during the day. I don't know how to script and don't really have the time or patience to learn so if another modder would like to help me with this idea that would be awesome.
I may remake Focused and Spread energy cells from ECKO but only until I figure out how to get rid of the Silver Rush bug.
I will not make these improvements to alien power cells for balance purposes. There are other mods already out for crafting alien power cells

If you like my mod or have a question please leave a comment and/or endorse.
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Ella Loapaga
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