Hello everyone. Ive spent a few hours fiddling around with GECK (so im still a newbie

). I was moving a hallway piece(cant remember its designation) next to a piece with a doorway in it. The hall piece is minutely higher than the doorframe piece. Ive adjusted the snap to grid settings right down to '2' and i still cannot get the pieces on the same level. I have no idea why this is happening, but its bugging the hell out of me. Any help greatly appreciated.
Hopfully you have not got to far into this.
The first piece in any worldspace or interior should be reset to 0 0 0 rotation using the reset button on the piece after it is dropped in and moved to where
you want to start. double click it and goto 3d Data tab.
I place the first piece about 1000 down in the new space so when I pick view cell I am right above it.
Now goto preferences and click pick "select snap reference" and then select reference in render window. Should be your first piece, click it (cursor should be white) Now everything you add will ref the piece for angles and height, as long as snap is on.
After I set the first piece I also set the height to a even number also, just to be tidy.
Hope all goes well,