Just wondering.....

Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:28 pm

U know books tht have fallout feel to it like with super mutants, ghouls, maybe vaults.doesnt need to be exactily like the stuff thts on fallout.
And please talk about books tht are famous enough to be translated into portuguse.
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:01 am

The two things that come to my mind are Metro 2033 and Stalker. Don't know if they are available in Portuguese though. :shrug:
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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:12 pm

Cormac McCarthy's The Road. Set in a post-apocalyptic America (what the exact nature of the apocalypse in question actually is is never revealed, although it's strongly implied that it's a massive nuclear exchange a la Fallout), it tells the story of a man and his son trying to stay alive in a world that has literally died around them. One of the bleakest and most unforgiving books I've ever read--McCarthy's description of the ocean is at once horrifying and unforgettable-- but also one of the best. A difficult book, not only because of the subject matter but also because of McCarthy's unorthodox writing style, but definitely worth your time if you relish a literary challenge.

It should be translated into Portuguese--there was a film adaptation of it with Viggo Mortensen that was released not too long ago, so it's fairly well-known--but as I don't speak Portuguese I can't guarantee that it'll be as good in that language as it is in English. I can confirm that when translated into Chinese it suffers greatly, so I'm not too optimistic. Still a good read even when translated, though, and Portuguese is much closer to English than Chinese is.
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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:26 pm

The Postman. Its nothing NOTHING like the movie, and it fits very well with Fallout New Vegas.

It has...
Super Mutants
cult that warships tech
A group that would fit the Legion quite well

And much more.

Its one of David Brin's best works, and in my top 15 book list.

While I know it is not what you asked for the book Alas, Babylon has a very realistic look at what would have happened had nukes fallen in a 50's time line. One thing you must remember is it was written in the 50's so a I at least had to look up a few things.
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:59 am

The two things that come to my mind are Metro 2033 and Stalker. Don't know if they are available in Portuguese though. :shrug:

Stalker is NOT a Fallout-like book at all. It's much deeper and much more sophisticated, and the Zone is not exactly a post-apocalyptic landscape, more of a place where normal laws of nature don't apply.
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