*******possible spoilers********
Ok so first off, I was wondering if after you kill Caesar during surgery, will you get the chance to become the new leader of the Legion? Because I would love to be Augustus to his Julius! Will I ever get the chance to take over? Especially with the Legate around who I have yet to lay eyes on..
Anyway on to my next question. If instead of killing Caesar I let him live, eventually do I start getting better quest rewards than just Legion approval and Legion Denarius? Because I am idolized at the moment by them and im not sure it goes any higher. I would like rewards such as cool unique Legion armor, or maybe an awsome unique sword presented by Caesar for all my deeds. For roleplay purposes I would even love moreso than allthose things for Caesar to recognize my actions and promote me in rank for completing quests ( and since he hasnt yet im doubting he will and that would need a very good modder to acomplish). Since he doesnt do those things I feel like im not actually a part of the Legion...just a sword for hire...(even tho i do wear the armor its still not the same)
And my last question, is there a way to get that AWSOME long machete the legion blacksmith is always sharpening? And if not is there a mod that makes it available for use? I would think it wouldnt be too hard for somone who knows what there doing considering the model already exists?