A few Legion questions

Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:01 pm

Hello everyone, I have a couple questions about Caesar and his Legion

*******possible spoilers********

Ok so first off, I was wondering if after you kill Caesar during surgery, will you get the chance to become the new leader of the Legion? Because I would love to be Augustus to his Julius! Will I ever get the chance to take over? Especially with the Legate around who I have yet to lay eyes on..

Anyway on to my next question. If instead of killing Caesar I let him live, eventually do I start getting better quest rewards than just Legion approval and Legion Denarius? Because I am idolized at the moment by them and im not sure it goes any higher. I would like rewards such as cool unique Legion armor, or maybe an awsome unique sword presented by Caesar for all my deeds. For roleplay purposes I would even love moreso than allthose things for Caesar to recognize my actions and promote me in rank for completing quests ( and since he hasnt yet im doubting he will and that would need a very good modder to acomplish). Since he doesnt do those things I feel like im not actually a part of the Legion...just a sword for hire...(even tho i do wear the armor its still not the same)

And my last question, is there a way to get that AWSOME long machete the legion blacksmith is always sharpening? And if not is there a mod that makes it available for use? I would think it wouldnt be too hard for somone who knows what there doing considering the model already exists?

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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:06 am

As for your first question, if Caesar is killed, his head Praetorian gets pissed off and you need a speech or medicine skill of 50 in order to stay friendly to the Legion. Legatus Lanius takes over Caesar's place, and then Lucius takes Lanius' place. You haven't layed eyes on him yet? He's quite the intimidating character to be honest, but he isn't to be feared. He is a bit more rational than Caesar, despite his lack of subtlety.

For your second question, Yes there are still more quests. The next quest is called Arizona Killer which is the highlight of your Legion career, the turning point of the Battle for the Mojave.

You may feel like a sword for hire, but you basically are with any faction except Yes Man until you complete the game, and then each faction will deal with you accordingly. I wouldn't know about the thing he is sharpening, although my bet would be its just a machete.
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:27 am

He is a bit more rational than Caesar,

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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:18 am


What I meant is, he is willing to listen to reason. Isn't that being rational?
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:31 am

What I meant is, he is willing to listen to reason. Isn't that being rational?

Well, in one circumstance he is willing to listen to "reason". But if it's Caesar's will to sacrifice the East for the West, then it's not reason, merely difference of opinion.

Also, Lanius' actions alone as Caesar prove he is not rational.
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:44 pm

IMO being a female and helping the legion should have some effect on the Legion.
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:58 am

About you 2's debate, I havent really met or even seen Lanius yet besides that super badass helmet on the ncr poster which i know is him because Caesar talked about his metal mask, (should i have met him already?) but from what ive heard, Lanius is a bloodthursty brute (which is a good quality as a soldier), but they make him seem like just that, a brute, which usually berserking badasses have strength but not much intelegence. Caesar on the other hand is cunning as hell, and not only that he is book smart and knows latin. While I havent goten all that far to see if he really is irrational, so far he seems like he knows what hes doing (the only irrational thing ive seen was when he was sleeping and i woke him up to talk and he said hed have me executed if i did it again..but that seems like somthing a roman emperor would do or say haha)

The thing he is sharpening IS a machete but its like, twice as long! so its like a "long sword" and even tho the (real) legion used shortswords until they became the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantines) I still think it would be awsome to have that perticular machete..lol
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:40 am

About you 2's debate, I havent really met or even seen Lanius yet besides that super badass helmet on the ncr poster which i know is him because Caesar talked about his metal mask, (should i have met him already?) but from what ive heard, Lanius is a bloodthursty brute (which is a good quality as a soldier), but they make him seem like just that, a brute, which usually berserking badasses have strength but not much intelegence. Caesar on the other hand is cunning as hell, and not only that he is book smart and knows latin. While I havent goten all that far to see if he really is irrational, so far he seems like he knows what hes doing (the only irrational thing ive seen was when he was sleeping and i woke him up to talk and he said hed have me executed if i did it again..but that seems like somthing a roman emperor would do or say haha)

The thing he is sharpening IS a machete but its like, twice as long! so its like a "long sword" and even tho the (real) legion used shortswords until they became the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantines) I still think it would be awsome to have that perticular machete..lol

According to the Wiki, it's just a regular machete. But I wouldn't mind having a sword like thing to be in circulation with the Legion! No, you shouldn't have met him already. You can only talk to him after you get to the point of no return. During your play time I believe Lanius is travelling to the Mojave.(don't quote me on that)
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:26 pm

This funny sword you're talking about might be a Machete Gladius, which is a rare and much more powerful shortsword than the regular machete. It's very Legion-y if you get what I mean. The ranked officers at cottonwood cove have them guaranteed, while the legionaries at the Fort only have a chance of having them. To get one for sure you'd need to sneak kill / pickpocket one of the cottonwood cove guys... it's worth it, it's pretty badass.
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:18 am

Maybe, is it like, twice as long as the regular gladius? as soon as you walk into the camp on the right side there is a blacksmith sharpening a machete, but if you compare that one to the one you get, that one is literally almost twice as long. Ill be sad if wiki is rite and its just a regular machete and if u equip it its just a normal one...but youd think it could be easily modded into a real weapon considering the model is already in the game?
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:09 am

About you 2's debate, I havent really met or even seen Lanius yet besides that super badass helmet on the ncr poster which i know is him because Caesar talked about his metal mask, (should i have met him already?) but from what ive heard, Lanius is a bloodthursty brute (which is a good quality as a soldier), but they make him seem like just that, a brute, which usually berserking badasses have strength but not much intelegence. Caesar on the other hand is cunning as hell, and not only that he is book smart and knows latin. While I havent goten all that far to see if he really is irrational, so far he seems like he knows what hes doing (the only irrational thing ive seen was when he was sleeping and i woke him up to talk and he said hed have me executed if i did it again..but that seems like somthing a roman emperor would do or say haha)

The thing he is sharpening IS a machete but its like, twice as long! so its like a "long sword" and even tho the (real) legion used shortswords until they became the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantines) I still think it would be awsome to have that perticular machete..lol

When it comes to military matters he isn't a brute. His plan for taking is quite good compared with Oliver's "tunnel vision", but when it comes to political/social matters Caeser is much better. He is made out to be brute by the Legion just to spread fear to NCR. The talk with him is one of my favorite moments in FNV.
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:32 pm

Ok so first off, I was wondering if after you kill Caesar during surgery, will you get the chance to become the new leader of the Legion?

Now I have to go find that episode of Futurama where Fry becomes emperor by drinking that water emperor.
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:47 am

Hello everyone, I have a couple questions about Caesar and his Legion

*******possible spoilers********

And my last question, is there a way to get that AWSOME long machete the legion blacksmith is always sharpening? And if not is there a mod that makes it available for use? I would think it wouldnt be too hard for somone who knows what there doing considering the model already exists?


It may be the Machete Gladius that you're talking about. Ken Turions usually carry them. I'm pretty sure Arelius of Phoenix has one.
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:51 pm

Lanius is not just a brute. I was surprised when I met him first. Many people, including Caesar, paint him to be a complete psychopath. But when I met him, I found him to be much more intelligent and honourable than expected.

Reserve judgement until you actually do meet him.
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